
Gesture video corpus

Posted on 2021-03-28 - 02:27 authored by Brian Mathias
This corpus contains videos of gestures that represent the meanings of 45 concrete and 45 abstract words. If used in your own research, please cite the following two papers:

Macedonia, M., Müller, K., & Friederici, A. D. (2011). The impact of iconic gestures on foreign language word learning and its neural substrate. Human Brain Mapping, 32(6), 982-998.

Mayer, K. M., Yildiz, I. B., Macedonia, M., & von Kriegstein, K. (2015). Visual and motor cortices differentially support the translation of foreign language words. Current Biology, 25(4), 530-535.

The corpus has also been used in the following additional papers:

Andrä, C., Mathias, B., Schwager, A., Macedonia, M., & von Kriegstein, K. (2020). Learning foreign language vocabulary with gestures and pictures enhances vocabulary memory for several months post-learning in eight-year-old school children. Educational Psychology Review, 32(3), 815-850.

Macedonia, M., & Knösche, T. R. (2011). Body in mind: How gestures empower foreign language learning. Mind, Brain, and Education, 5(4), 196-211.

Macedonia, M., Lehner, A. E., & Repetto, C. (2020). Positive effects of grasping virtual objects on memory for novel words in a second language. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-13.

Macedonia, M., & Mueller, K. (2016). Exploring the neural representation of novel words learned through enactment in a word recognition task. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 953.

Macedonia, M., & Repetto, C. (2016). Brief multisensory training enhances second language vocabulary acquisition in both high and low performers. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 15(3), 42-53.

Macedonia, M., Repetto, C., Ischebeck, A., & Mueller, K. (2019). Depth of encoding through observed gestures in foreign language word learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 33.

Mathias, B., Klingebiel, A., Hartwigsen, G., Sureth, L., Macedonia, M., Mayer, K. M., & von Kriegstein, K. (2020). Motor cortex causally contributes to auditory word recognition following sensorimotor-enriched vocabulary training. arXiv:2005.08956.

Mathias, B., Sureth, L., Hartwigsen, G., Macedonia, M., Mayer, K. M., & von Kriegstein, K. (2021). Visual sensory cortices causally contribute to auditory word recognition following sensorimotor-enriched vocabulary training. Cerebral Cortex, 31(1), 513-528.

Mayer, K. M., Macedonia, M., & von Kriegstein, K. (2017). Recently learned foreign abstract and concrete nouns are represented in distinct cortical networks similar to the native language. Human Brain Mapping, 38(9), 4398-4412.

Repetto, C., Pedroli, E., & Macedonia, M. (2017). Enrichment effects of gestures and pictures on abstract words in a second language. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 2136.

Wriessnegger, S. C., Hacker, C., Macedonia, M., & Müller-Putz, G. R. (2019). The impact of gestures on formal language learning and its neural correlates: A study proposal. In F. D. Davis, R. Riedl, J. vom Brocke, P. Léger, A. B. Randolph (Eds.), Information systems and neuroscience (pp. 85-91). Springer, Cham.


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