Full-Stokes imaging polarimeter using an array of elliptical polarizer
Posted on 2017-04-28 - 16:37
In this paper, a full-Stokes imaging polarimeter operating at 580 nm using an array of elliptical polarizers is presented. The division-of-focal-plane polarimeter utilizes a set of four optimized measurements which represent a regular tetrahedron inscribed in the Poincaré sphere. Results from the device fabrication, instrument calibration and characterization are presented. The performance of the optimized full Stokes polarimeter, as defined by size of the standard deviation of the degree of circular polarization, is found to be approximately five times better than the performance of the simple full-Stokes polarimeter.
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Hsu, Wei-Liang; Myhre, Graham; Balakrishnan, Kaushik; Brock, Neal; Ibn-Elhaj, Mohammed; Pau, Stanley (2014). Full-Stokes imaging polarimeter using an array of elliptical polarizer. Optica Publishing Group. Collection. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3765311.v1