Division of amplitude RGB full-Stokes camera using micro-polarizer arrays
Posted on 2017-12-20 - 18:15
Existing polarization cameras are generally single or narrow band and sensitive only to linear polarization states. In this work, we demonstrate a novel full-Stokes camera operating in the red, green and blue (RGB) spectrum. The camera consists of two 1600-by-1200 pixel focal plane arrays with linear micro-polarizers and Bayer filters, in a division-of-amplitude configuration. The design, assembly, calibration, and testing of the camera are presented. Multiple indoor and outdoor scenes are acquired to provide full Stokes polarization images in the three spectral bands. Our camera design has the unique advantage of measuring the intensity, color and polarization states of an optical field in a single shot.
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Tu, Xingzhou; Spires, Oliver; Tian, Xiaobo; Brock, Neal; Liang, Rongguang; Pau, Stanley (2017). Division of amplitude RGB full-Stokes camera using micro-polarizer arrays. Optica Publishing Group. Collection. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.c.3917182.v1