Decreased quality of life and societal impact of cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome treated with canakinumab: a questionnaire based cohort study
Posted on 2018-04-20 - 05:00
Abstract Background Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome (CAPS) is a rare disease. Knowledge on the quality of life (QoL) and the disease’s societal impact is limited. Canakinumab is used in increasing frequency for the treatment of CAPS. Methods Observational study in Dutch CAPS patients. Patients completed questionnaires regarding treatment with canakinumab at baseline and retrospectively. Quality of life was assessed using the EQ-5D-5L in adults and CHQ-PF50 in children. Impact on work and school was assessed. Caregivers' quality of life was assessed using the CarerQol. Results Mean quality of life scores during treatment with canakinumab were 0.769 (EQ-5D-5L), 51.1 (CHQ-P) and 57–1 (CHQ-M). Most patients experienced problems on the pain/discomfort dimension. Higher disease activity and the presence of complications negatively influenced QoL. Half of the patients with a paid job reported absenteeism from work due to CAPS, for an average of 8.7 days in a 4-week period. All schoolgoing patients (N = 5) reported absence from school due to CAPS, for an average of 2.9 days. Caregivers reported gaining a lot fulfillment from providing care for their family members. Conclusion QoL during treatment is lower than in the general Dutch population. CAPS leads to productivity loss and absenteeism from school, and impacts the quality of life in informal caregivers.
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Mulders-Manders, Catharina; Kanters, Tim; van Daele, Paul; Hoppenreijs, Esther; Legger, G.; van Laar, Jan; et al. (2018). Decreased quality of life and societal impact of cryopyrin-associated periodic syndrome treated with canakinumab: a questionnaire based cohort study. figshare. Collection.