
2022 EarthCube annual meeting

Posted on 2022-07-06 - 16:03 authored by Lynne Schreiber
For nearly a decade, the EarthCube community has been transforming the conduct of geosciences research by developing and maintaining a well-connected and facile environment that improves access, sharing, visualization, and analysis of data and related resources. While sharable tools, methods, and cyberinfrastructure have been critical achievements for EarthCube, we find that our dedicated community is what makes our program successful.

The EarthCube community works together to:
- influence how data will be collected accessed, analyzed, visualized, shared and archived;
- participate in interdisciplinary and collaborative research; and
- contribute to the transformation of geoscience research through the emerging practices of digital scholarship, data and software stewardship, and open science.

Collectively, these activities are aimed to foster a better understanding of our complex and changing planet. EarthCube strives to enable the geosciences community to predict responses of the Earth as a system - from the space-atmosphere boundary to the inner core of our planet.

A partnership between the NSF Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) and the NSF Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) in the Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE), EarthCube consists of interconnected projects and activities that engage the geosciences, cyberinfrastructure, computer science, and associated communities.

Several EarthCube Projects are showcased at the 2022 EarthCube Annual Meeting's poster session.


3 Biotech
3D Printing in Medicine
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3D-Printed Materials and Systems
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AAPS PharmSciTech
Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg
ABI Technik (German)
Academic Medicine
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Academic Psychiatry
Academic Questions
Academy of Management Discoveries
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Learning and Education
Academy of Management Perspectives
Academy of Management Proceedings
Academy of Management Review
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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number (1928208).



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