Saeed Parsa
All the source codes uploaded to Figshare are described and addressed in my book titled:
"Software Testing Automation:
Testability Evaluation, Refactoring, Test Data Generation, and Fault Localization"
This book intends to get the reader involved in software testing rather than simply memorizing the concepts. The source codes are downloadable from Figshare. The book has three parts: Software Testability, Fault Localization, and Test data generation.
Part I proposes a new method called testability-driven development (TsDD) in support of TDD and BDD.
Part II shows how to instrument source code, create control flow graphs, identify prime paths, and slice the source code. A software tool, Diagnoser, is offered to facilitate experimenting with and developing new fault localization algorithms.
Part III describes how to develop a test data generator both statically using Concolic execution and dynamically using Genetic algorithms.