
Marcus Hanwell

Technical Leader (Software engineering not elsewhere classified)

Clifton Park, NY

I am a Technical Leader at Kitware, where my job involves developing open source, cross platform scientific visualization, pre and post processing code (mainly in C++, OpenGL, Qt) for scientific visualization. Strong believer in open science, open data and open source and proud member of Blue Obelisk. I work on Open Chemistry software, such as Avogadro as well as other open source toolkits and applications VTK, ParaView, CMake, Titan, KDE and several other open source projects. My Ph.D. and degree are both in physics, with a large component of materials engineering. Working hard to improve the quality and openness of open source scientific software, specifically chemistry related software such as Avogadro and 2D charting/plotting in VTK.


  • Avogadro: an advanced semantic chemical editor, visualization, and analysis platform
  • Open Data, Open Source and Open Standards in chemistry: The Blue Obelisk five years on
  • The Quixote project: Collaborative and Open Quantum Chemistry data management in the Internet age
  • Photochemical fabrication of three-dimensional micro- and nano-structured surfaces from a C60 monoadduct
  • Temperature effects on the electrical conductivity of thiol encapsulated gold nanoparticle thin films

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