
Worku Derara Megenassa

Assistant Professor of Archaeology (History, heritage and archaeology)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Dr Worku Derara is an Assistant Professor in Archaeology at Addis Ababa University's Department of Archaeology & Heritage Management. He earned his PhD in History and Archaeology from Complutense University of Madrid in 2019. He was a principal collaborator of Ethnic minorities and threatened materialities in Western Ethiopia, a project led by Dr A. González-Ruibal (Incipit-CSIC) with funding from the British Museum-EMKP program. In 2022, he won a grant from the Research and Technology Transfer (RTT) Office of Addis Ababa University (AAU) for an ethnoarchaeological project: Documenting Materiality and Indigenous Knowledge of the Kambata. Currently, he is the PI of Historic Buildings and Sties of Memories in Western Ethiopia, a project funded by the RTT of AAU.

Worku Derara Megenassa's public data