
Women in Neuroscience Repository WiNRepo

Non-profit Organization (Neurosciences not elsewhere classified; Gender studies not elsewhere classified; Race, ethnicity and law)

The Women in Neuroscience Repository (WiNRepo) is an online repository featuring profiles of women neuroscientists, with a description of their field(s) of expertise plus recommendations received by colleagues. WiNRepo was launched in February 2018 and it includes nowadays profiles of women neuroscientists from many regions around the world and different levels of seniority. The aim of this resource is to help the identification of women neuroscientists by individuals and organizations for conferences, symposia and/or collaborations. Besides, members of WiNRepo are fully committed to promote not only the growth of the repository but also inclusivity and intersectionality within the (neuro)scientific community.



Women in Neuroscience Repository WiNRepo's public data