
Tristan Henderson

Senior Lecturer (Applied computing not elsewhere classified)

St Andrews

Tristan Henderson is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. His research aims to better understand user behaviour and use this to build improved systems; an approach which has involved measurements and testbeds for networked games, wireless networks, mobile sensors, smartphones, online social networks and opportunistic networks. He serves on the JANET UK Wireless Advisory Group, the steering committee of the NetGames workshop, and is co-PI of the CRAWDAD data archive, the world's largest wireless network data archive, with over 90 datasets and tools in use by over 3500 users from 88 countries. Dr Henderson holds an MA in Economics from Cambridge University and an MSc and PhD in Computer Science from University College London.


  • Facebook or Fakebook? The effects of simulated mobile applications on simulated mobile networks
  • Privacy-enhanced social-network routing
  • Bootstrapping opportunistic networks using social roles
  • IRONMAN: Using social networks to add incentives and reputation to opportunistic networks
  • The impact of location privacy on opportunistic networks
  • Planet-scale human mobility measurement
  • Privacy-enhanced social network routing in opportunistic networks
  • Scaling measurement experiments to planet-scale: Ethical, regulatory and cultural considerations
  • A comparison of TCP behaviour at high speeds using ns-2 and Linux
  • Exploiting self-reported social networks for routing in ubiquitous computing environments
  • MAP: A scalable monitoring system for dependable 802.11 wireless networks
  • Revisiting inter-flow fairness
  • Sharing is caring - So where are your data?
  • Social DTN routing
  • The changing usage of a mature campus-wide wireless network
  • Privacy in location-aware computing environments
  • Virtual walls: Protecting digital privacy 2 in pervasive environments
  • CRAWDAD: A community resource for archiving wireless data at dartmouth
  • CRAWDAD: A community resource for archiving wireless data at Dartmouth
  • The changing usage of a mature campus-wide wireless network
  • Networked games - A QoS-sensitive application for QoS-insensitive users?
  • Congestion pricing
  • Latency and user behaviour on a multiplayer game server
  • Modelling user behaviour in networked games

Usage metrics

Co-workers & collaborators

Luke Hutton

Research Associate, The Open University - Milton Keynes, UK

Luke Hutton

Judith Faßbender

Judith Faßbender

Tristan Henderson's public data