- Facebook or Fakebook? The effects of simulated mobile applications on simulated mobile networks
- Privacy-enhanced social-network routing
- Bootstrapping opportunistic networks using social roles
- IRONMAN: Using social networks to add incentives and reputation to opportunistic networks
- The impact of location privacy on opportunistic networks
- Planet-scale human mobility measurement
- Privacy-enhanced social network routing in opportunistic networks
- Scaling measurement experiments to planet-scale: Ethical, regulatory and cultural considerations
- A comparison of TCP behaviour at high speeds using ns-2 and Linux
- Exploiting self-reported social networks for routing in ubiquitous computing environments
- MAP: A scalable monitoring system for dependable 802.11 wireless networks
- Revisiting inter-flow fairness
- Sharing is caring - So where are your data?
- Social DTN routing
- The changing usage of a mature campus-wide wireless network
- Privacy in location-aware computing environments
- Virtual walls: Protecting digital privacy 2 in pervasive environments
- CRAWDAD: A community resource for archiving wireless data at dartmouth
- CRAWDAD: A community resource for archiving wireless data at Dartmouth
- The changing usage of a mature campus-wide wireless network
- Networked games - A QoS-sensitive application for QoS-insensitive users?
- Congestion pricing
- Latency and user behaviour on a multiplayer game server
- Modelling user behaviour in networked games