- Brundtland Report
- The International Academic
- Architecture and Transdisciplinarity - Grappling with Elusive Transdisciplinarity
- The Details and Construction Processes of the Fallingwater House
- Living in Earth--The Sustainability of Earth Architecture in Uganda
- Innovation and Alternative Building Technology within a Sustainable Development Paradigm
- Cullum and NIightgale/Kampala
- Freshwater: Towards a Better Understanding of a Wicked Problem
- Operationalising Co-design: Development of an ICT Platform to Facilitate Stakeholder Engagement in Water Sensitive Design
- Water-Sensitive Design for Climate Resilience
- Traditional Building and the Modern Dream in Uganda
- Mining Towns and Liveable Neighbourhoods
- Challenges and opportunities for implementing Water Sensitive Design in South Africa
- Guidelines for Water-Sensitive Informal Settlement Upgrading in the Global South
- Freshwater: Towards a Better Understanding of a Wicked Problem
- Participatory design: An intersubjective schema for decision making
- Low Energy Design (LED) for Building in Cape Town (South Africa)
- Institutional Framework for Sustainable Building in South Africa
- Sustainable architecture evaluation method in an African context: transgressing discipline boundaries with a systems approach
- Talking Heritage: Africa at the Crossroads of Tradition and Modernity
- Towards resilient African cities: Shared challenges and opportunities towards the retention and maintenance of ecological infrastructure
- Living in Earth
- Untitled Item
- Innovation and Alternative Building Technology within aSustainable Development Paradigm
- Architecture in Boxes
- Opti-House Poster 2019.
- Optimising Housing, Health and Sustainability Goals - Poster 2019.
- Optimising Housing, Health and Sustainability Goals - Poster 2016.
- Ugandan architects struggle with the dilemma of what’s appropriate
- The Details and Construction Processes of Die Es
- Video - The Details and Construction Processes of Die Es
- PDF Booklet - The Details and Construction Processes of Die Es
- Booklet - The Details and Construction Processes of Die Es
- PDF Slides - The Details and Construction Processes of the Falling Water House
- PDF Slides - The Details and Construction Processes of the Falling Water House
- Modeling Technology: conceptualising - structuring - layering (components and elements) -detailing (connections)
- Towards Liveable Neighbourhoods by Redesigning Using Water Sensitive Design
- Towards Liveable Neighbourhoods by Redesigning Using Water Sensitive Design
- Living in Earth: the Sustainability of Earth Architecture in Uganda
- Participatory Design: An Intersubjective Schema for Decision Making
- Participatory Design: An Intersubjective Schema for Decision Making
- Full Year Thermal Comfort Data Logs in Two Bedrooms of Opposite Orientation
- Adaptive Comfort Simulations and Hourly Comfort Visualisations