
T.B. Araujo


  • Future directions for chatbot research: an interdisciplinary research agenda
  • Integrating Network Clustering Analysis and Computational Methods to Understand Communication With and About Brands: Opportunities and Challenges
  • Keep the Ball Rolling: Information Diffusion within Large Sports-Related Networks through Social Mediators
  • Digital Trace Data Collection for Social Media Effects Research: APIs, Data Donation, and (Screen) Tracking
  • Is voice really persuasive? The influence of modality in virtual assistant interactions and two alternative explanations
  • Conversational Agent Research Toolkit: An alternative for creating and managing chatbots for experimental research
  • OSD2F: An Open-Source Data Donation Framework
  • Frequencies, Drivers, and Solutions to News Non-Attendance: Investigating Differences Between Low News Usage and News (Topic) Avoidance with Conversational Agents
  • Don’t Take it Personally: Resistance to Individually Targeted Recommendations from Conversational Recommender Agents
  • Virtual assistants in the family home. Understanding parents’ motivations to use virtual assistants with their Child(dren)
  • Best practices in data donation: A workflow for studies using digital data donation
  • Don’t Take it Personally: Resistance to Individually Targeted Recommendations with Anthropomorphic Recommender Systems
  • Friend me: which factors influence top global brands participation in social network sites
  • What Motivates Consumers to Re-Tweet Brand Content? The Impact of Information, Emotion, and Traceability on Pass-Along Behavior
  • Boundaries to the Articulation of Possible Selves Through Social Networking Sites: The Case of Facebook Profilers' Social Connectedness
  • Hey Google, What is in the News? The Influence of Conversational Agents on Issue Salience
  • Visualizing the triple bottom line: A large‐scale automated visual content analysis of European corporations' website and social media images
  • Port: A software tool for digital data donation
  • Cultural differences in motivation for consumers' online brand-related activities on Facebook
  • What’s the Tone? Easy Doesn’t Do It: Analyzing Performance and Agreement Between Off-the-Shelf Sentiment Analysis Tools
  • Challenging Traditional Culture? How Personal and National Collectivism-Individualism Moderates the Effects of Content Characteristics and Social Relationships on Consumer Engagement with Brand-Related User-Generated Content
  • In AI we trust? Perceptions about automated decision-making by artificial intelligence
  • Engaging with TV events on Twitter: The interrelations between TV consumption, engagement actors, and engagement content
  • Extracting theory from black boxes: Using machine vision APIs in communication research
  • INCA: Infrastructure for content analysis
  • From speaking like a person to being personal: The effects of personalized, regular interactions with conversational agents
  • Integrating Communication Science and Computational Methods to Study Content-Based Social Media Effects
  • Getting the word out on Twitter: the role of influentials, information brokers and strong ties in building word-of-mouth for brands
  • Living up to the chatbot hype: The influence of anthropomorphic design cues and communicative agency framing on conversational agent and company perceptions
  • How Much Time Do You Spend Online? Understanding and Improving the Accuracy of Self-Reported Measures of Internet Use
  • Communicating effectively about CSR on Twitter
  • How advertising in offline media drives reach of and engagement with brands on Facebook
  • Seeing the wood for the trees: How machine learning can help firms in identifying relevant electronic word-of-mouth in social media
  • News values on social media: Exploring what drives peaks in user activity about organizations on Twitter
  • The impact of sharing brand messages: How message, sender and receiver characteristics influence brand attitudes and information diffusion on Social Networking Sites
  • Working Together with Conversational Agents: The Relationship of Perceived Cooperation with Service Performance Evaluations
  • Privacy Concerns in Chatbot Interactions
  • Related Multiscreening as a Strategy to Retain Audiences and Increase Persuasion During a Commercial Break
  • Overcoming polarization with chatbot news? Investigating the impact of news content containing opposing views on agreement and credibility
  • From Purchasing Exposure to Fostering Engagement: Brand–Consumer Experiences in the Emerging Computational Advertising Landscape
  • Automated Visual Content Analysis (AVCA) in Communication Research: A Protocol for Large Scale Image Classification with Pre-Trained Computer Vision Models
  • Patients’ Convergence of Mass and Interpersonal Communication on an Online Forum: Hybrid Methods Analysis (Preprint)
  • Patients’ Convergence of Mass and Interpersonal Communication on an Online Forum: Hybrid Methods Analysis
  • “I Am Here to Assist You Today”: The Role of Entity, Interactivity and Experiential Perceptions in Chatbot Persuasion
  • Comparing Chatbots and Online Surveys for (Longitudinal) Data Collection: An Investigation of Response Characteristics, Data Quality, and User Evaluation
  • Comparing user-content interactivity and audience diversity across news and satire: differences in online engagement between satire, regular news and partisan news
  • How Audience Diversity Affects Consumers’ Creation of Brand Posts on Facebook: A Cross Cultural Examination
  • Who is the fairest of them all? Public attitudes and expectations regarding automated decision-making
  • The persuasiveness of voice in virtual assistant interactions
  • “Hey Google, Come In!” The Domestication of Google Assistant in Dutch Family Homes
  • Who are the (Non)Adopters of Smart Speakers? A Cross-Sectional Survey Study of Dutch Families
  • Virtual Assistants in the Family Home. Understanding Parents’ Motivations to Use Virtual Assistants With Their Child(ren)
  • Who are the (Non-)Adopters of Smart Speakers?
  • A framework for privacy preserving digital trace data collection through data donation
  • Different platforms for different patients’ needs: Automatic content analysis of different online health information platforms
  • Unobtrusive measures for media research
  • Mobile data donations: Assessing self-report accuracy and sample biases with the iOS Screen Time function
  • How social cues in virtual assistants influence concerns and persuasion: The role of voice and a human name
  • Thoughts, feelings, and folk theories about surveillance in media technologies
  • “They Know Everything”: Folk Theories, Thoughts, and Feelings About Surveillance in Media Technologies
  • “A Large Playground”: Examining the Current State and Implications of Conversational Agent Adoption in Organizations
  • Digital data donations: A quest for best practices
  • Do virtual assistants become persuasive over time? Testing the reciprocal relationship of repeated interactions with a virtual assistant, trust, and persuasion
  • Do virtual assistants become persuasive over time? Testing the reciprocal relationship of repeated interactions with a virtual assistant, trust, and persuasion
  • Perceptions of Automated Decision-Making by AI across Domains: The Role of Individual Characteristics and Prior Experience
  • Humour vs. the Consumer: The Risks and Benefits of Using Humour as a Webcare Strategy in Response to Customer Complaints on Facebook
  • Female chatbots are helpful, male chatbots are competent? The effects of gender and gendered language on human-machine communication
  • Mapping users’ perceptions of surveillance in media technologies
  • A peak into individuals’ perceptions of surveillance
  • Digital trace data collection through data donation
  • Humans vs. AI: The role of trust, political attitudes, and individual characteristics on perceptions about automated decision making across Europe
  • The blind spot in data donations: who is (not) willing to donate digital data in advertising research.
  • Communication Research into the Digital Society: Fundamental Insights from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research
  • The Effect of Personalization Techniques in Users' Perceptions of Conversational Recommender Systems
  • How important is agency? The persuasive consequences of interacting with a chatbot as a new entity
  • Different platforms, different patients' needs: Automatic content analysis on online health information platforms for cancer patients
  • Crossing boundaries online: A hybrid method study on patients’ convergence of mass and interpersonal communication on forums
  • Different online sections for different patients’ needs: Using the wealth of online data to understand cancer patients’ needs
  • Crossing boundaries online: A hybrid method study on patients’ convergence of mass and interpersonal communication on forums
  • The role of anthropomorphism and privacy concerns in chatbot interactions
  • Corporate branding and consumers: The effect of identification and corporate associations on product brand attitudes and corporate brand relevance
  • Corporate branding and consumers
  • Multiscreening In Real-Life
  • Corporate branding and consumers on social media
  • Cutting through the clusters: Applying a social networks approach to explaining brand–related social media content flow
  • Working as a team
  • Working as a team
  • Automated Decision-Making Fairness in an AI-driven World
  • Interpersonal and mass media convergence in health care: From practice and theory to research design
  • Different sections for different patients' needs: Automatic content analysis on health information sections
  • Is it me or us? How national and individual collectivistic-individualistic values influence engagement with brand-related user generated content
  • Persuasion via virtual assistants: The influence of modality and human name on persuasion knowledge, concerns and persuasive outcomes
  • Offline advertising as a driver of consumers' online brand engagement on social media
  • The Positive effect of related tweeting during a live television show on advertising effectiveness
  • Organizing organizational information visibility: The role and needs of journalists
  • Combining machine vision and text mining on websites: Toward an approach for automated multimodal content analysis
  • AI as a customer service team member? Exploring the deployment of conversational agents in business-to-consumer contexts
  • In AI we trust? Usefulness, fairness, and risk perceptions about automated decision-making by artificial intelligence within media, justice, and health
  • Going beyond the wizard: Using computational methods for conversational agent communication research
  • From speaking like a person to being personal: The effects of personalised, regular interactions with conversational agents
  • Automated 1-2-1 Communication
  • Persuasion via Virtual Assistants: The Influence of Voice and Human Name on Concerns and Persuasive Outcomes
  • Privacy concerns in chatbot interactions
  • Conversational agent research toolkit: An alternative for creating and managing chatbots for experimental research
  • Political satire and user-content interactivity: Comparing the online engagement evoked by news versus satire shows
  • Voice that tries to persuade. The influence of modality in digital assistant interactions
  • Human-Machine Communication in the Everyday (Consumer) Life: Factors Influencing Customer Service Chatbot Usage
  • Open Science for (Automated) Private Interactions: Chatbots as (Open) Data Collection Engines
  • How personality characteristics influence the diffusion of brand content on social network sites
  • Does Sharing Matter? How Message, Sender, and Receiver Characteristics Influence Brand Attitudes on Social Media
  • How much time do you spend online? Testing the accuracy of self-reported measures of online media use
  • How Much Time Do You Spend Online and how Often? Testing the Accuracy of Self-Reported Measures of Internet Use
  • Human-like, or just competent? Understanding the importance of chatbot perceptions in service encounters
  • Webcare as a well-oiled machine: A machine learning approach to identify eWOM messages that require a webcare response
  • Different Platforms for Different Patients’ Needs: Automatic Content Analysis on Online Health Information.
  • How informational, emotional and traceability cues in Twitter messages influence brand content pass-along behavior
  • Opinion leadership for brand content diffusion on Twitter: The role of influentials, bridge builders and strong ties
  • Big data acquisition for brand content diffusion research.
  • Showing your social side: The antecedents and consequences of the diffusion of corporate social responsibility messages on Facebook and Twitter
  • Extending organizational sensemaking: The constitutive power of Twitter
  • Is there a role for culture? How consumers and brands engage on Twitter across the globe
  • The Arrogance Effect: Being Competent But Not Warm Deteriorates Brands’ Potential to Acquire Consumers’ Online Brand Engagement
  • The Arrogance Effect: Being Competent But Not Warm Deteriorates Brands’ Potential to Acquire Consumers’ Online Brand Engagement
  • Teaching Digital Analytics for beginners – beyond Excel and SPSS
  • Extending organizational sensemaking: The constitutive power of Twitter for CSR communication networks
  • Getting a handle on webcare: Comparing automated content analysis techniques to detect eWOM messages
  • Cross media Effects on Consumer Engagement on Facebook: The Differential Effects of Advertising Spend.
  • Understanding motivations underlying consumers’ online brand-related activities across individualistic and collectivistic cultures
  • Motivations underlying consumers' online brand-related activities across cultures
  • The Hot Topic of Virtual Assistants: :A Topic Model Network Analysis of Dutch News Media Messages About Virtual Assistants Between 2011 and 2022
  • Best practices for studies using digital data donation
  • Collaborative Coding Cultures: How Journalists Use GitHub as a Trading Zone
  • Who are the (Non-)adopters of smart speakers?
  • Communication research into the digital society: Fundamental insights from the Amsterdam School of Communication Research
  • Communication Research into the Digital Society
  • How International, National, and Local Research Strategies Shaped ASCoR’s History in Its First 25 Years
  • The effect of personalization techniques in users' perceptions of conversational recommender systems
  • Computational communication science in a digital society
  • Computational Communication Science in a Digital Society
  • "They know everything": Folk theories, thoughts, and feelings about dataveillance in media technologies.
  • Google knows me too well? Coping with perceived surveillance in an algorithmic profiling context
  • "They Know Everything": Folk Theories, Thoughts, and Feelings About Dataveillance in Media Technologies.
  • Smart Speaker Data Donations in Families: The Project Rosie Perspective

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Co-workers & collaborators

B. Bodó

associate professor - Amsterdam, NL

B. Bodó

T.B. Araujo's public data