
Suzy J Styles

Nanyang Assistant Professor in Psychology. Nanyang Technological University (Psychology)


Developmental Psycholinguist. Director of the BLIP Lab investigating Brain Language and Intersensory Processing at Nanyang Technological Univeristy, Singapore.


  • How to do Better N400 Studies: Reproducibility, Consistency and Adherence to Research Standards in the Existing Literature
  • Glyph guessing for ‘oo’ and ‘ee’: spatial frequency information in sound symbolic matching for ancient and unfamiliar scripts
  • Leaf Stone Corpus (Singapore 2016) Audio
  • Laksa Corpus Audio Recordings
  • PEBBLES: Perceptual Experience Battery - BaseLine Experiment Screener
  • Prof Primate's Zoo Observation Guide
  • Pass the Paper Quizz
  • Pitch-Cued spoken vowels
  • Using Institutional Repositories as part of the Open Science Ecosystem
  • How do you catch a hypothefish? Workshop on Preregistration basics
  • Notes on the Open Science Ecosystem and DR-NTU in the wild
  • Convolved Shapes: Radial shapes varying by size and convolution
  • Little power big influence: Leveraging small-scale actions to diversity participation in Higher Ed
  • Categorical Perception of VOT in Multilingual Children in Singapore – A preregistered investigation of the CROWN Game
  • Sci-comms project manual for open access infographics with Prof Primate
  • Videocall Storytime
  • Random Reporters: Group Discussion Technique
  • SESAME Topic Prompts
  • SESAME Picture Cards
  • The CROWN Game: An open access phoneme identification task
  • ARTEM-IS: Agreed Reporting Template for EEG Methodology - International Standard
  • Good Scientific Practice in MEEG Research: Progress and Perspectives
  • Little Orangutan: What a Scary Storm!
  • Early linguistic experience shapes bilingual adults’ hearing for phonemes in both languages
  • Green Grass Park - Picture Description
  • Creating a Corpus of Multilingual Parent-Child Speech Remotely: Lessons Learned in a Large-Scale Onscreen Picturebook Sharing Task
  • Is a High Tone Pointy? Speakers of Different Languages Match Mandarin Chinese Tones to Visual Shapes Differently
  • Situating Linguistics in the Social Science Data Movement
  • Crash Course in Sensory Psycholinguistics (Compiled)
  • The Impact of Bilingualism on Skills Development and Education
  • Growing Collection of Human Voices - Audio Release Form
  • Green Grass Park Picture Description Corpus - Singapore Mandarin Adults
  • Talk Wheel
  • Language Discussion Topics: Placing language in its social context (Discussion topics, prompts, sample answers, and followup notes)
  • Sense Bodymap
  • SEE Cartoons: Soothers, Engagers & Eyecatchers
  • Singapore's languages at a glance: A visual overview
  • Spy School: TOWRE-2 Reading Task Wrapper
  • Garden of forking paths in ERP research – effects of varying pre-processing and analysis steps in an N400 experiment
  • Enhance Language Identification using Dual-mode Model with Knowledge Distillation
  • Talk Together - A four week programme of tips to enhance parent-child interactions
  • Towards ARTEM-IS: Design guidelines for evidence-based EEG methodology reporting tools
  • Japanese Sound-Symbolic Words for Representing the Hardness of an Object Are Judged Similarly by Japanese and English Speakers
  • Cross-Modal Perception of Noise-in-Music: Audiences Generate Spiky Shapes in Response to Auditory Roughness in a Novel Electroacoustic Concert Setting
  • Why Do Babies Babble?
  • Colour your learning: Brain Cells
  • The Amazing Primate Brain
  • Roadmap to Graduation
  • Which vowels are used most in English?
  • Where have all the vowels gone? Vowel systems in British and Singaporean English
  • What is word understanding for the parent of a one-year-old? Matching the difficulty of a lexical comprehension task to parental CDI report
  • Can a Word Sound Like a Shape Before You Have Seen It? Sound-Shape Mapping Prior to Conscious Awareness.
  • Infant VEPs reveal neural correlates of implicit naming: Lateralized differences between lexicalized versus name-unknown pictures
  • To call a cloud ‘cirrus’: sound symbolism in names for categories or items
  • When Does Maluma/Takete Fail? Two Key Failures and a Meta-Analysis Suggest That Phonology and Phonotactics Matter
  • Balloons and bavoons versus spikes and shikes: ERPs reveal shared neural processes for shape–sound-meaning congruence in words, and shape–sound congruence in pseudowords
  • How do infants build a semantic system?
  • Erratum: In the absence of animacy: Superordinate category structure affects subordinate label verification (PLoS ONE (2013) 8, 12 (e83282) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0083282)
  • Erratum: Corrigendum to “Balloons and bavoons vs spikes and shikes: ERPs reveal shared neural processes for shape-sound-meaning congruence in words, and shape-sound congruence in pseudowords” (Brain and Language (2015) 145–146 (11–22) (S0093934X15000760) (10.1016/j.bandl.2015.03.011))
  • Early Links in the Early Lexicon
  • In the Absence of Animacy: Superordinate Category Structure Affects Subordinate Label Verification
  • ERP correlates of unexpected word forms in a picture–word study of infants and adults
  • A word in the hand: Live audience demonstration of lexical priming using finger clicking (DIY Guide)
  • Prof Primate's Notes: Compositionality
  • "ee" and "oo" around the world
  • The Commonest Speech Sounds: Prevalence Rates for Phonemes of the World
  • DoctorStylesPocketChecklist_ScientificMethod.pdf
  • Enhancing Language Identification Using Dual-Mode Model with Knowledge Distillation
  • End-to-End Language Diarization for Bilingual Code-Switching Speech
  • An Implicit Association Test on Audio-­Visual Cross-­Modal Correspondences
  • Pre-Conscious Automaticity of Sound-­‐Shape Mapping
  • How well do Humans Capture the Sounds of Speech in Writing?
  • Towards ARTEM-IS: Design Guidelines for evidencebased EEG methodology reporting tools
  • The Language of Dance: Testing a Model of Cross-­Modal Communication in the Performing Arts
  • Super­‐Normal Integration of Sound and Vision in Performance
  • Early links in the early lexicon: Semantically related word-pairs prime picture looking in the second year
  • Effects of phonological label differences on category learning
  • The Seeds of Speech: A tutorial about how and why babies babble, using the Pink Trombone
  • Creating spectrograms in PRAAT: The briefest possible intro with a hands-on activity
  • Crash Course in Sensory Psycholinguistics: Session 1
  • SHELLS: Supportive Home Environments for Language Learning - Survey
  • Crash Course in Sensory Psycholinguistics: Session 5
  • Do letters show sounds? A teensy-weensy intro to iconicity, cross-modal correspondences and linguistic sound symbolism
  • Crash Course in Sensory Psycholinguistics: Session 2
  • Crash Course in Sensory Psycholinguistics: Session 3
  • Crash Course in Sensory Psycholinguistics: Session 6
  • Crash Course in Sensory Psycholinguistics: Session 4
  • Crash Course in Sensory Psycholinguistics: Introduction to the Crash Course
  • Coin-Flipping Cowboys: The wild west of data science, lucky cowboys and picking your team after the rodeo is over
  • Contrastive alveolar/retroflex phonemes in Singapore Mandarin bilinguals: Comprehension rates for articulations in different accents, and acoustic analysis of productions.
  • Special Issue: Proceedings of Si15
  • ARTEM-IS for ERP: Agreed Reporting Template for EEG Methodology - International Standard for documenting studies on Event-Related Potentials
  • Is retroflexion a stable cue for distributional learning for speech sounds across languages? Learning for some bilingual adults, but not generalisable to a wider population in a well powered pre-registered study
  • PHO-LID: A Unified Model Incorporating Acoustic-Phonetic and Phonotactic Information for Language Identification
  • Translanguaging in a large corpus of parent-child speech in Singapore
  • Research Burger - Understanding the structure of written research reports
  • Spring-Village minimal pairs in Mandarin Chinese: word identification and pronunciation for adult speakers of Mandarin Chinese
  • Tackling WEIRD+ Bias in the undergraduate psychology curriculum
  • SEE Cartoons: Soothers, Engagers & Eyecatchers
  • Spring-Village Picture Cards for alveolar/retroflex minimal pairs in Mandarin Chinese
  • Current and Future Research Directions in Singapore Mandarin
  • The Flower Crown Task: Categorical Perception of VOT in Multilingual K2 Children in Singapore
  • The Flower Crown Task: Categorical Perception of VOT in Multilingual K2 Children in Singapore
  • Evaluating the quality of evidence of clinical interventions for children aged 6-12 years old with ADHD: Systematic Review Data Files
  • Methods and Data for 'Eight truths, eight lies: an experiment on recursive mindreading and social memory' 2023
  • Pre-registration for Influence of Language Dominance on Filipino’s Categorical Perception of English Phonemes
  • Preregistration for the roles of education, age of child and perceptions towards the importance of personal expression through language in the production of Singlish discourse markers from parents to children
  • Green Grass Park (Split Language Labels) - A SESAME Research Tool
  • Lingual ultrasounds of speech - vowel triangle tokens (sheep, shark, shoe)
  • Talk Wheel - Eight top tips for enjoying talk together with your little-ones
  • Pre Registration for: Investigation of Parents’ Choice of Topic-Comment Sentence Construction During Parent-Child Talk Using Narratives Collected From the Talk Together Study’
  • Hearing with two pairs of ears: Simultaneous bilingual children show language-specific phoneme perception for /b/ and /p/ in English and Mandarin Chinese
  • Preregistration for “The Influence of Infant Temperament on Parental Mental State Talk: A Singaporean Context”
  • Unseen-Unheard: Sound evoked visual memories in film (Study 2 - Partial replication)
  • Pre-registration for cross-language lexical semantic priming in English-dominant bilingual Singaporeans
  • Data and Code for Influence of Language Dominance on Filipino’s Categorical Perception of English Phonemes
  • A critical assessment of existing characterization and categorization of macaque call types
  • How to count words (or their parts): Measures of speech quantity and complexity in multilingual, translanguaging populations using word versus morpheme boundaries

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Co-workers & collaborators

Han Ke

Research Fellow - Singapore

Han Ke

Lauren Gawne

Lauren Gawne

Suzy J Styles's public data