
Steven Cassidy


  • Using clear plastic CD cases as low‐cost mini‐rhizotrons to phenotype root traits
  • Carbon gain phenologies of spring‐flowering perennials in a deciduous forest indicate a novel niche for a widespread invader
  • Experimental evidence of frequency-dependent selection on group behaviour
  • Deer and invasive plant removal alters mycorrhizal fungal communities and soil chemistry: Evidence from a long-term field experiment
  • Priority effects alter the colonization success of a host‐associated parasite and mutualist
  • Disease defences across levels of biological organization: individual and social immunity in acorn ants
  • Parasites of spiders: Their impacts on host behavior and ecology
  • The soil microbiome increases plant survival and modifies interactions with root endosymbionts in the field
  • Invasion‐induced root–fungal disruptions alter plant water and nitrogen economies
  • Herbivory modifies plant symbiont number and impact on host plant performance in the field
  • Population differences in the aggregation and collective foraging behavior of fragmented social spider colonies
  • Social Parasite Exposure and Nest Hygiene in Acorn Ants

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Co-workers & collaborators

Carl Nick Keiser

Assistant Professor

Carl Nick Keiser

Corlett Wood

Corlett Wood

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