
Stephanie Avery-Gomm


  • A study of wrecked Dovekies (Alle alle) in the western North Atlantic highlights the importance of using standardized methods to quantify plastic ingestion
  • Plastic pollution in the Labrador Sea: An assessment using the seabird northern fulmar Fulmarus glacialis as a biological monitoring species
  • Plastic and Non-plastic Debris Ingestion in Three Gull Species Feeding in an Urban Landfill Environment
  • Linking plastic ingestion research with marine wildlife conservation
  • Linking plastic ingestion research with marine wildlife conservation
  • Seasonal variability in vulnerability for Cassin's auklets (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) exposed to microplastic pollution in the Canadian Pacific region
  • Plastic pollution and conservation of imperilled seabird species
  • Half of resources in threatened species conservation plans are allocated to research and monitoring
  • Accounting for direct and indirect cumulative effects of anthropogenic pressures on salmon- and herring-linked land and ocean ecosystems
  • Co-contaminants of microplastics in two seabird species from the Canadian Arctic
  • Existing caribou habitat and demographic models need improvement for Ring of Fire impact assessment: A roadmap for improving the usefulness, transparency, and availability of models for conservation
  • Inclusive approaches for cumulative effects assessments
  • High pathogenicity avian influenza (H5N1) in Northern Gannets (Morus bassanus): Global spread, clinical signs and demographic consequences
  • Wild bird mass mortalities in eastern Canada associated with the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A(H5N1) virus, 2022
  • Geographic, ecological, and temporal patterns of seabird mortality during the 2022 HPAI H5N1 outbreak on the island of Newfoundland
  • Strengths and limitations of using participatory science data to characterize a wildlife mass mortality event
  • Predicting regional cumulative effects of future development on coastal ecosystems to support Indigenous governance
  • Pan-Canadian review of community-based monitoring projects and their capacity to enhance environmental monitoring programs for cumulative effects assessments

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