
Simon Linacre


  • The relationship between academic accounting research and professional practice
  • Producing Spaces for Academic Discourse: The Impact of Research Assessment Exercises and Journal Quality Rankings
  • Emirates, American and Embraer: Why are these three air industry companies beating the odds? How two majors and one minor put culture at heart of success
  • “Well they would say that, wouldn’t they!”: Overcoming the most dangerous attitude in the workplace
  • Stressing the importance of stress
  • Publisher’s note
  • Hiding in Plain Sight: The Sinister Threat of Predatory Publishing Practices
  • Can leaders change their spots?: Learning how to lead and be led by your workforce
  • When change is not as good as a rest
  • Status symbols: how to win admiration and influence people
  • Angry young men and women: How to understand reactions to strong supervisory behavior
  • Introducing corporate political responsibility to the USA
  • Learning from failure
  • Mind the gap!
  • Predatory Journals: Revisiting Beall’s Research
  • Climate control: accounting as a tool to manage sustainability
  • Publishing in an Environment of Predation: The Many Things You Really Wanted to Know, but Did Not Know How to Ask
  • Life Without Journals? Platforms, Preprints, and Peer Review in Scholarly Communications
  • Careering towards change
  • Failing to prepare. Prepare to fail?
  • Pets in the workplace: A shaggy dog story?
  • Facebook, Twitter and the future of HR
  • All in it together?: Public policies and learning disability support
  • Employees of the future beware: How what is shared on social networks can affect job applications
  • Mission impossible: Understanding the ROI of international assignments
  • Time well spent?: Differing perceptions of breaks at work
  • Women versus men
  • Emerald journals - outstanding special issues 2004
  • The Predator Effect

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