
Shih Joo Tan


  • An Examination of Counter Trafficking Responses in the Asian Region: Hong Kong and Singapore
  • When the Home Is Also the Workplace: Women migrant domestic workers’ experiences with the ‘live-in’ policy in Singapore and Hong Kong
  • Women Migrant Domestic Workers and the Everyday Home Workplace
  • Women Migrant Domestic Workers in the Home: Tensions Surrounding Intimacy and Labour
  • Introduction: Women Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore and Hong Kong
  • Gender, Exploitation and Everyday Security
  • Negotiating Everyday Work and Help-Seeking
  • Rethinking Gendered Labour Exploitation and Safe Work
  • Conclusion
  • Gendered Labour, Everyday Security and Migration
  • Accounting for the Diversity of Women's Experiences in Survey
  • Review of Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking
  • Capital Punishment in Singapore: A Critical Analysis of State Justifications From 2004 to 2018
  • Women migrant workers and counter-trafficking responses in Association of Southeast Asian Nations: The enduring challenge of safety and security
  • An examination of counter trafficking responses in the Asian Region: Hong Kong and Singapore
  • An Examination of Counter Trafficking Responses in the Asian Region: Hong Kong and Singapore
  • Migrant and Refugee Women in Australia: A study of sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Responding to Forced Marriage
  • Domestic and family violence, coercive control, and exploring ideas and practices of prevention for migrants and refugees in Victoria (
  • "When you speak the language, you've actually already crossed that first hurdle": A review of the inTouch Motivation for Change program (
  • Forced Marriage as a Form of Family Violence in Victoria

Shih Joo Tan's public data