
Sean Tomlinson


  • I don’t like crickets, I love them: invertebrates are an important prey source for varanid lizards
  • Crossing boundaries in conservation physiology
  • Starvation and stress: no place to call home
  • Using monitors to monitor ecological restoration: Presence may not indicate persistence
  • A research agenda for seed‐trait functional ecology
  • The mathematics of thermal sub-optimality: Nonlinear regression characterization of thermal performance of reptile metabolic rates
  • High‐resolution distribution modeling of a threatened short‐range endemic plant informed by edaphic factors
  • Hydrological and thermal responses of seeds from four co-occurring tree species from southwest Western Australia
  • Overlooked and undervalued: the neglected role of fauna and a global bias in ecological restoration assessments
  • A specialised pollination system using nectar‐seeking thynnine wasps in Caladenia nobilis ( Orchidaceae )
  • The Time Local Convex Hull method as a tool for assessing responses of fauna to habitat restoration: a case study using the perentie (Varanus giganteus : Reptilia : Varanidae)
  • Rare or overlooked? The distribution of Hairy Jointgrass in north coast New South Wales, Australia, and implications for its conservation status
  • The construction of small‐scale, quasi‐mechanistic spatial models of insect energetics in habitat restoration: A case study of beetles in Western Australia
  • Flexibility in thermoregulatory physiology of two dunnarts, Sminthopsis macroura and Sminthopsis ooldea (Marsupialia; Dasyuridae)
  • Phenophysiological variation of a bee that regulates hive humidity, but not hive temperature
  • Does metabolic rate and evaporative water loss reflect differences in migratory strategy in sexually dimorphic hoverflies?
  • Gardeners of the forest: effects of seed handling and ingestion by orangutans on germination success of peat forest plants
  • Incorporating biophysical ecology into high-resolution restoration targets: insect pollinator habitat suitability models
  • An ecophysiologically informed model of seed dispersal by orangutans: linking animal movement with gut passage across time and space
  • Measuring metabolic rates of small terrestrial organisms by fluorescence-based closed-system respirometry
  • Landscape context alters cost of living in honeybee metabolism and feeding
  • From doubly labelled water to half-life; validating radio-isotopic rubidium turnover to measure metabolism in small vertebrates
  • Hypothermia versus torpor in response to cold stress in the native Australian mouse Pseudomys hermannsburgensis and the introduced house mouse Mus musculus
  • Physiological plasticity of metabolic rates in the invasive honey bee and an endemic Australian bee species
  • Metabolic rate, evaporative water loss and field activity in response to temperature in an ichneumonid wasp
  • Ecology of the Honey possum, Tarsipes rostratus, in Scott National Park, Western Australia
  • Huddling behaviour and energetics of Sminthopsis spp.(Marsupialia, Dasyruidae) in response to environmental challenge
  • Special K: testing the potassium link between radioactive rubidium (86Rb) turnover and metabolic rate
  • Genetic and palaeo-climatic evidence for widespread persistence of the coastal tree species Eucalyptus gomphocephala (Myrtaceae) during the Last Glacial Maximum
  • Some seriously fishy research puts holes in movement barriers
  • Reduced metabolic rate indicates declining viability in seed collections: an experimental proof-of-concept
  • One hundred research questions in conservation physiology for generating actionable evidence to inform conservation policy and practice.
  • Continental scale distribution and diversity of Ceratobasidium orchid mycorrhizal fungi in Australia.
  • Diminishing potential for tropical reefs to function as coral diversity strongholds under climate change conditions.
  • Geographic and ecological segregation in an extinct guild of flightless birds: New Zealand’s moa.
  • A life of mine approach to fauna monitoring is critical for recovering functional ecosystems to restored landscapes.
  • Restoration ecophysiology: An ecophysiological approach to improve strategies and outcomes for restoration of severely disturbed landscapes.
  • The ecology of a translocated population of a medium-sized marsupial in an urban vegetation remnant.
  • Mitigation and management plans should consider all anthropogenic disturbances to fauna
  • Mitigation translocation as a management tool
  • Pronounced differences in visitation by potential pollinators to co-occurring species of Fabaceae in the Southwest Australian biodiversity hotspot
  • Where and when to look: conservation physiology can optimize monitoring surveys
  • Down the rabbit hole: how complex do eco-physiological models need to be?
  • Thermal and hygric physiology of Australian burrowing mygalomorph spiders (Aganippe spp.)
  • Differences in metabolic rate and evaporative water loss associated with sexual dimorphism in thynnine wasps
  • Applications and implications of ecological energetics
  • Novel approaches to the calculation and comparison of thermoregulatory parameters: Non-linear regression of metabolic rate and evaporative water loss in Australian rodents
  • Seed production areas for the global restoration challenge
  • Biogeographical effects on body mass of native Australian and introduced mice,Pseudomys hermannsburgensisandMus domesticus: an inquiry into Bergmann's Rule
  • Comparative thermoregulatory physiology of two dunnarts, Sminthopsis macroura and Sminthopsis ooldea (Marsupialia : Dasyuridae)
  • Ecological dynamics of moa extinctions reveal convergent refugia that today harbour flightless birds
  • Understanding the interplay of temperature and moisture on the germination niche to improve management of threatened species impacted by mining
  • Continental-scale distribution and diversity ofCeratobasidiumorchid mycorrhizal fungi in Australia
  • The ecology of a translocated population of a medium-sized marsupial in an urban vegetation remnant
  • Leveraging the value of conservation physiology for ecological restoration
  • Reconstructing colonization dynamics to establish how human activities transformed island biodiversity
  • How can physiology best contribute to wildlife conservation in a warming world?
  • Diminishing potential for tropical reefs to function as coral diversity strongholds under climate change conditions
  • A life‐of‐mine approach to fauna monitoring is critical for recovering functional ecosystems to restored landscapes
  • Restoration ecophysiology: an ecophysiological approach to improve restoration strategies and outcomes in severely disturbed landscapes
  • Restoration seedbanks for mined land restoration
  • Build it and some may come: early stage habitat restoration may initially favour herbivore return
  • Insect community reassembly in a spatiotemporally heterogenous restoration landscape
  • Ecological dynamics of moa extinctions reveal convergent refugia that today harbor flightless birds.
  • Same, same, but different: dissimilarities in the hydrothermal germination performance of range-restricted endemics emerge despite microclimatic similarities
  • Integrating animal physiology into the adaptive management of restored landscapes
  • Reconstructing mechanisms of extinctions to guide mammal conservation biogeography
  • Spatiotemporal variation in ecophysiological traits align with high resolution niche modelling in the short-range banded ironstone endemicAluta quadrata
  • Guiding plant conservation using physiological tools: how mechanistic research can bridge disciplinary divides

Sean Tomlinson's public data