
Sandra Rojas Nossa


  • Nectar robbing: a common phenomenon mainly determined by accessibility constraints, nectar volume and density of energy rewards
  • Dinámica anual de la interacción colibrí-flor en ecosistemas altoandinos
  • Estrategias de extracción de néctar por pinchaflores (Aves: Diglossa y Diglossopis) y sus efectos sobre la polinización de plantas de los altos Andes
  • Vespa velutina: traits and impacts of a successful invasive alien species
  • Performance of baited traps used as control tools for the invasive hornet Vespa velutina and their impact on non-target insects
  • The invasive hornet Vespa velutina affects pollination of a wild plant through changes in abundance and behaviour of floral visitors
  • Nectar robbing and plant reproduction: an interplay of positive and negative effects
  • Effects of nectar robbing on male and female reproductive success of a pollinator-dependent plant
  • Biological invasions and pollinator decline
  • Effectiveness of electric harps in reducing Vespa velutina predation pressure and consequences for honey bee colony development
  • Identification of pathogens in the invasive hornet Vespa velutina and in native Hymenoptera (Apidae, Vespidae) from SW-Europe
  • Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown of 2020
  • Dinámica anual de la interacción colibrí-flor en ecosistemas altoandinas del Volcán Galeras, sur de Colombia
  • Phloem-Feeding Herbivores Affect Floral Development and Reproduction in the Etruscan Honeysuckle (Lonicera etrusca Santi)
  • Organización espacial y patrón temporal de canto en un lek de Perissocephalus tricolor (Cotingidae)
  • Implicaciones ecológicas y evolutivas del robo de néctar
  • Birds of cofee lands
  • Asociación entre el robo de néctar y las características florales en una comunidad montana de los Andes colombianos
  • Method for Nest Detection of the Yellow-Legged Hornet in High Density Areas
  • Ecología de la comunidad de pinchaflores (Aves: Diglossa y Diglossopis) en un bosque Altoandino
  • Manual for the detection of the nest of the Asian hornet (Vespa velutina).
  • Field guide of Hummingbirds of the River Ñambí Natural Reserve
  • Practices of Ecology
  • Invasive exotic invertebrates in Galicia: situation and problems
  • Effectiveness of electric traps for the defence of honeybees against the invasive predator Vespa velutina
  • Location systems of Vespa velutina nests (video)
  • Efficiency of electric harps for the defense of honey bees against Vespa velutina predation (video)
  • Selective trap for insects
  • The decline of bees threatens our food security
  • How does Vespa velutina affect biodiversity?
  • Beekeeping will save biodiversity?
  • Food preferences of birds for the colour of the fruit
  • Associação de artrópodes predadores com plantas mimercófitas em uma floresta de baixio na Amazônia central
  • Compactação do solo e aumento da abertura de dossel em trilhas de arraste de toras em uma área de floresta manejada na região de Itacoatiara, Amazônia
  • Ecological monitoring of the bird community of Torca forest, Cerros Orientales of Sabana de Bogotá

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Co-workers & collaborators

Quentin Rome

Quentin Rome

Sandra Rojas Nossa's public data