- The use of a GERT based method to model concurrent product development processes
- Preface
- Analysing scientific collaborations of New Zealand institutions using scopus bibliometric data
- Measuring partial balance in signed networks
- A Green Perspective on Capacitated Time-dependent Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
- Dynamic Rescheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems under Disruptions
- Hub Location under Uncertainty: a Minimax Regret Model for the Capacitated Problem with Multiple Allocations
- Signed networks from sociology and political science, systems biology, international relations, finance, and computational chemistry
- Network of scientific collaborations between New Zealand institutions based on Scopus publications from 2010 to 2015
- Signed Network Structural Analysis and Applications with a Focus on Balance Theory
- Multi-Leg Air Cargo Capacity Control
- Demography in the Digital Era: New Data Sources for Population Research
- A Dynamic Programming Approach for Network Air Cargo Revenue Management
- Computing the line index of balance using integer programming optimisation
- Balance and frustration in signed networks
- Developing an integrated revenue management and customer relationship management approach in the hotel industry
- Epidemiological and biomechanical evaluation of airline baggage handling
- Multi-echelon Supply Chain Flexibility Enhancement Through Detecting Bottlenecks
- Summary of Tutorials at The Web Conference 2021
- Evaluating the Security and Economic Effects of Moving Target Defense Techniques on the Cloud
- Detecting coalitions by optimally partitioning signed networks of political collaboration
- Multilevel structural evaluation of signed directed social networks based on balance theory
- Return migration of German-affiliated researchers: analyzing departure and return by gender, cohort, and discipline using Scopus bibliometric data 1996–2020
- A modeling and computational study of the frustration index in signed networks
- The Demography of the Peripatetic Researcher: Evidence on Highly Mobile Scholars from the Web of Science
- Brain drain and brain gain in Russia: Analyzing international migration of researchers by discipline using Scopus bibliometric data 1996–2020
- Heuristic Modularity Maximization Algorithms for Community Detection Rarely Return an Optimal Partition or Anything Similar
- Analyzing modularity maximization in approximation, heuristic, and graph neural network algorithms for community detection
- Bayan algorithm: Detecting communities in networks through exact and approximate optimization of modularity
- Homecoming After Brexit: Evidence on Academic Migration From Bibliometric Data