
Ryan Weaver


  • Copper exposure reduces production of red carotenoids in a marine copepod
  • Citizen science reveals widespread negative effects of roads on amphibian distributions
  • What maintains signal honesty in animal colour displays used in mate choice?
  • Carotenoid metabolism strengthens the link between feather coloration and individual quality
  • On the bioconversion of dietary carotenoids to astaxanthin in the marine copepod, Tigriopus californicus
  • An in vivo test of the biologically relevant roles of carotenoids as antioxidants in animals
  • Hypothesized Evolutionary Consequences of the Alternative Oxidase (AOX) in Animal Mitochondria
  • Prior reproduction alters how mitochondria respond to an oxidative event
  • On the bioconversion of dietary carotenoids to astaxanthin and its distribution in the marine copepod, Tigriopus californicus
  • An experimental test of mate choice for red carotenoid coloration in the marine copepod Tigriopus californicus
  • Red Coloration in an Anchialine Shrimp: Carotenoids, Genetic Variation, and Candidate Genes
  • Beyond the Powerhouse: Integrating Mitonuclear Evolution, Physiology, and Theory in Comparative Biology
  • Predicting adult lifespan and lifetime reproductive success from early-life reproductive events
  • High mitochondrial mutation rates in Silene are associated with nuclear-mediated changes in mitochondrial physiology
  • Evidence for hybrid breakdown in production of red carotenoids in the marine invertebrate Tigriopus californicus
  • A combination of red structural and pigmentary coloration in the eyespot of a copepod
  • Genomic signatures of mitonuclear coevolution in mammals
  • Painting the Bunting: Carotenoids and structural elements combine to produce the feather coloration of the male Painted Bunting
  • Genomic Signatures of Mitonuclear Coevolution in Mammals

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Justin Havird

Justin Havird

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