
Ryan O'Dell

Natural Resource Specialist (Biological sciences; Earth sciences; Environmental sciences)


Bureau of Land Management. Central Coast Field Office. Marina, California. B.S. Plant Biology. University of California, Davis. 2002. M.S. Soils and Biogeochemistry. University of California, Davis. 2005. I am a Natural Resource Specialist (Botany/Soils/Paleontology) with the BLM Central Coast Field Office in Marina, California (since 2007). Our BLM office manages about 300,000 acres of public BLM lands in the South Coast Ranges. I spend most of my field time botanizing in the central Inner South Coast Ranges region. I am particularly interested in edaphic endemics, annual plant species diversity, and plant species distributions with respect to geology, soil type, topography, and climate. I am especially interested in the plant families Onagraceae (Camissonia), Polemoniaceae (Gilia), annual Brassicaceae (Caulanthus-Streptanthus), and tarweeds in Asteraceae.

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