
Ruben Heleno


  • The effect of plant invasions on native seed dispersal interactions
  • Multilayer networks reveal the spatial structure of seed-dispersal interactions across the Great Rift landscapes
  • Predicting the consequences of disperser extinction: richness matters the most when abundance is low
  • Refaunation and the reinstatement of the seed-dispersal function in Gorongosa National Park
  • Flower visitation by European birds offers the first evidence of interaction release in continents
  • A roadmap for island biology: 50 fundamental questions after 50 years of The Theory of Island Biogeography
  • Evolutionary history of the endangered shrub snapdragon (Galvezia leucantha) of the Galápagos Islands
  • Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi communities from tropical Africa reveal strong ecological structure
  • Dispersal of fungi spores by non-specialized flower-visiting birds
  • PAICE : A new R package to estimate the number of inter‐island colonizations considering haplotype data and sample size
  • Establishment, spread and early impacts of the first biocontrol agent against an invasive plant in continental Europe
  • Fruiting phenology matters
  • Effects of native biodiversity on grape loss of four castes: testing the biotic resistance hypothesis
  • Birds Make the World Go Round
  • Limited potential for bird migration to disperse plants to cooler latitudes
  • Seed dispersal by frugivores from forest remnants promotes the regeneration of adjacent invaded forests in an oceanic island
  • A meta-analysis of biocontrol potential and herbivore pressure in olive crops: Does integrated pest management make a difference?
  • Tripartite networks show that keystone species can multitask
  • Pollination networks from natural and anthropogenic-novel communities show high structural similarity
  • Small size does not restrain frugivory and seed dispersal across the evolutionary radiation of Galápagos lava lizards
  • Erratum to: Multilayer networks reveal the spatial structure of seed-dispersal interactions across the Great Rift landscapes (Nature Communications, (2018), 9, 1, (140), 10.1038/s41467-017-02658-y)
  • Seed-dispersal networks are more specialized in the Neotropics than in the Afrotropics
  • Divergence in floral trait preferences between nonflower-specialized birds and insects on the Galápagos
  • Fine-tuning the nested structure of pollination networks by adaptive interaction switching, biogeography and sampling effect in the Galápagos Islands
  • Global and regional ecological boundaries drive abrupt changes in avian frugivory interactions
  • Dispersal of fern spores by Galápagos finches
  • Native and alien flower visitors differ in partner fidelity and network integration
  • Disclosing the double mutualist role of birds on Galápagos
  • Rewiring of experimentally disturbed seed dispersal networks might lead to unexpected network configurations
  • Species functional traits and abundance as drivers of multiplex ecological networks: First empirical quantification of inter-layer edge weights: Pollination-seed dispersal networks
  • Life inside a gall: diversity, phenology and structure of Portuguese gall communities, their hosts, parasitoids and inquilines
  • Long-distance dispersal syndromes matter: diaspore–trait effect on shaping plant distribution across the Canary Islands
  • Potential role of lava lizards as pollinators across the Galápagos Islands
  • Diaspore traits specialized to animal adhesion and sea current dispersal are positively associated with the naturalization of European plants across the world
  • Seasonal variation in impact of non‐native species on tropical seed dispersal networks
  • The upsizing of the São Tomé seed dispersal network by introduced animals
  • The Refaunation and the reinstatement of the seed-dispersal function in Gorongosa National Park.
  • Contribution by vertebrates to seed dispersal effectiveness in the Galápagos Islands: A community-wide approach.
  • Four-trophic level food webs reveal the cascading impacts of an invasive plant targeted for biocontrol.
  • Phylogenetic evidence for a Miocene origin of Mediterranean lineages: species diversity, reproductive traits and geographical isolation
  • Should I stay or should I go? Mycorrhizal plants are more likely to invest in long-distance seed dispersal than non-mycorrhizal plants
  • Species activity promote the stability of fruit-frugivore interactions across a five-year multilayer network
  • First evidence for the joint dispersal of mycorrhizal fungi and plant diaspores by birds
  • Natural woodlands hold more diverse, abundant, and unique biota than novel anthropogenic forests: a multi-group assessment
  • Integrating plant species contribution to mycorrhizal and seed dispersal mutualistic networks
  • Scientists' warning on endangered food webs
  • Species temporal persistence promotes the stability of fruit–frugivore interactions across a 5‐year multilayer network
  • Species functional traits and abundance as drivers of multiplex ecological networks: first empirical quantification of inter-layer edge weights
  • Sea dispersal potential and colonization of the Galápagos littoral flora
  • Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe’s alien and native floras
  • The role of avian 'seed predators' as seed dispersers
  • Connectance of species interaction networks and conservation value: Is it any good to be well connected?
  • Seed dispersal networks in the Galapagos and the consequences of alien plant invasions
  • Invaders of pollination networks in the Galapagos Islands: emergence of novel communities
  • Endozoochory largely outweighs epizoochory in migrating passerines
  • Novo guia das Aves Nidificantes de Portugal
  • Guía rápida de Semillas de las Islas Galápagos
  • The ecology of seed dispersal
  • Galápagos land iguana (Conolophus subcristatus) as a seed disperser
  • Long-distance dispersal to oceanic islands: Success of plants with multiple diaspore specializations
  • On the limited potential of azorean fleshy fruits for oceanic dispersal
  • Global patterns of mainland and insular pollination networks
  • Sampling completeness in seed dispersal networks: When enough is enough
  • Distribution and population trends of the European Roller in pseudo-steppe areas of Portugal: results from a census in sixteen SPAs and IBAs
  • Rearing records for two endemic Azorean acalyptrate Diptera (Tephritidae & Drosophilidae)
  • The Galápagos land iguana (Conolophus subcristatus) as a seed disperser
  • List of Arthropods of the Azores. in A list of the terrestrial and marine biota from the Azores
  • The impact of alien plants on native biota in the Azores: a food web approach
  • Estudo Cient́ıfico “Estabelecer Cenários sobre os Efeitos das Alterações Climáticas na Abetarda, Sisão e Peneireiro-das-torres”
  • The Priolo Atlas: A citizen science-based census initiative for supporting Pyrrhula murina habitat conservation and restoration policies in São Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal)
  • Seed-dispersal networks on the Canaries and the Galápagos archipelagos: interaction modules as biogeographical entities
  • A pragmatic approach to the management of plant invasions in Galapagos
  • Plant colonization across the Galapagos Islands: success of the sea dispersal syndrome
  • Ecological networks: delving into the architecture of biodiversity.
  • Flower visitation by birds in Europe
  • A Pragmatic Approach to the Management of Plant Invasions in Galapagos
  • Tiptoeing between restoration and invasion: seed rain into natural gaps within a highly invaded relic forest in the Azores
  • Bird-flower visitation networks in the Galapagos unveil a widespread interaction release.
  • Space, time and aliens: charting the dynamic structure of Galapagos pollination networks.
  • Effects of Alien Plants on Insect Abundance and Biomass: a Food-Web Approach
  • Historical Isolation of the Galapagos Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa darwini) despite Strong Flight Capability and Ecological Amplitude.
  • Frugivory and seed dispersal in the Galapagos: what is the state of the art?
  • Seed dispersal networks in an urban novel ecosystem
  • Colonization of the Galapagos Islands by plants with no specific syndromes for long-distance dispersal: a new perspective
  • Pollination patterns and plant breeding systems in the Galapagos: a review
  • Integration of exotic seeds into an Azorean seed dispersal network
  • Evidence for overlooked mechanisms of long-distance seed dispersal to and between oceanic islands
  • Status assessment of the Critically Endangered Azores Bullfinch Pyrrhula murina
  • Throwing the baby out with the bathwater: does laurel forest restoration remove a critical winter food supply for the critically endangered Azores bullfinch?
  • High survival rate of a critically endangered species, the Azores Bullfinch Pyrrhula murina, as a contribution to population recovery
  • Evaluation of restoration effectiveness: community response to the removal of alien plants
  • Fern feeding ecology of the Azores bullfinch Pyrrhula murina: The selection of fern species and the influence of nutritional composition in fern choice
  • Summer abundance and ecological distribution of passerines in native and exotic forests in são miguel, azores
  • The conservation of ecological interactions
  • How do islands become green?
  • Meta-analyses and the "editorial love of controversy"
  • EuDiS - A comprehensive database of the seed dispersal syndromes of the European flora
  • Red deer as a disperser of native, but not invasive plants’ seeds
  • The architecture of multifunctional ecological networks
  • Changing with the times: Seasonal environmental gradients unveil dynamic bat assemblages and vulnerability
  • PAICE: A new R package to estimate the number of inter‐island colonizations considering haplotype data and sample size
  • Should I stay or should I go? Mycorrhizal plants are more likely to invest in long‐distance seed dispersal than non‐mycorrhizal plants
  • A Review on the State of the Art in Frugivory and Seed Dispersal on Islands and the Implications of Global Change
  • Fruiting phenology data for 4,462 spontaneous and cultivated plant taxa in Portugal (1926 – 2013)
  • European biotic seed dispersal network
  • European biotic seed dispersal network
  • Historical data of spore availability for 109 spontaneous and cultivated ferns and lycopods taxa in Portugal (1926 – 2013)
  • Meta-analyses and the "editorial love of controversy"
  • Global and regional ecological boundaries explain abrupt spatial discontinuities in avian frugivory interactions
  • Base de datos de abejas ibéricas
  • Canopy arthropod declines along a gradient of olive farming intensification
  • Post-release monitoring shows no non-target effects of a biocontrol agent against an invasive plant
  • The disruption of insular frugivory networks by large-gaped introduced animals
  • Do biotically- and abiotically-dispersed plants rely equally on mycorrhizal associations? A case study in Gorongosa-Mozambique
  • What is the value of biotic seed dispersal in post‐fire forest regeneration?
  • Data and code from: Birds optimize fruit size consumed near their geographic range limits
  • Supporting data and code for Mendes et al. 202X Evidence of a European seed dispersal crisis
  • Fruiting phenology data for 4,462 spontaneous and cultivated plant taxa in Portugal (1926 – 2013)
  • Fruiting phenology data for 4,462 spontaneous and cultivated plant taxa in Portugal (1926 – 2013)
  • O armário: Fruiting phenology data for 4,462 spontaneous and cultivated plant taxa in Portugal (1926 – 2013)
  • Support data for "O armário: Fruiting phenology data for 4,462 spontaneous and cultivated plant taxa in Portugal (1926 – 2013)"
  • O armário: Fruiting phenology data for 4,462 plant taxa in Portugal (1926 – 2013)
  • Bird–flower visitation networks in the Galápagos unveil a widespread interaction release
  • Bird–flower visitation networks in the Galápagos unveil a widespread interaction release
  • Supporting data for Mendes et al 202X Climb forest, climb: Diverse disperser communities are key to assist plants tracking climate change on altitudinal gradients
  • Supporting data for Mendes et al 202X Climb forest, climb: Diverse disperser communities are key to assist plants tracking climate change on altitudinal gradients

Ruben Heleno's public data