
Ross Bartels


  • Using Video Stimuli to Examine Judgments of Nonoffending and Offending Pedophiles: A Brief Communication
  • Somnophilia: Examining Its Various Forms and Associated Constructs
  • Examining the judgments of pedophiles in relation to a non-sexual offense
  • High risk sexual fantasies and sexual offending: An overview of fundamentals and interventions
  • Understanding Sexual Fantasising: Implications for Forensic Practice and Research
  • The Burglary Cognitive Distortions Scale: its association with burglary proclivity and other key variables
  • Public Perception of Men Who Have Committed Intrafamilial and Extrafamilial Sexual Offences Against Children
  • A Qualitative Exploration of Sleep-Related Sexual Interests: Somnophilia and Dormaphilia
  • Investigating the phenomenology and plausibility of sexual fantasies and their relationship with behavioural enactment and motivation

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Hannah Lena Merdian

Hannah Lena Merdian

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