
Richard Cornes

Marine Climatologist (Earth sciences; Environmental sciences)

Southampton, UK


  • Correcting citizen‐science air temperature measurements across the Netherlands for short wave radiation bias
  • Towards a more reliable historical reanalysis: Improvements for version 3 of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis system
  • Robert Boyle's weather journal for the year 1685
  • How well does the ERA-Interim reanalysis replicate trends in extremes of surface temperature across Europe?
  • The calcareous brown alga Padina pavonica in southern Britain: population change and tenacity over 300 years
  • SA-OBS: A daily gridded surface temperature and precipitation dataset for Southeast Asia
  • The earliest daily barometric pressure readings in Italy: Pisa AD 1657-1658 and Modena AD 1694, and the weather over Europe
  • Estimates of the North Atlantic Oscillation back to 1692 using a Paris-London westerly index
  • A daily series of mean sea-level pressure for Paris, 1670-2007
  • Historic storms of the northeast Atlantic since circa 1700: A brief review of recent research
  • A daily series of mean sea-level pressure for London, 1692-2007
  • A collection of sub-daily pressure and temperature observations for the early instrumental period with a focus on the "year without a summer" 1816
  • An examination of storm activity in the northeast Atlantic region over the 1851-2003 period using the EMULATE gridded MSLP data series
  • The barometer measurements of the Royal Society of London: 1774-1842
  • Droughts in medieval and early modern England, part 1: The evidence
  • Twentieth-century trends in the annual cycle of temperature across the Northern Hemisphere
  • Reconstructing medieval April-July mean temperatures in East Anglia, 1256-1431
  • Station-based Growing Season Length values across Europe calculated using EEMD and ETCCDI methods
  • A Transcription of Robert Boyle's Weather Diary 1684-6
  • Night marine air temperature
  • Extended North Atlantic Oscillation and Greenland Blocking Indices 1800–2020 from New Meteorological Reanalysis
  • An Ensemble Version of the E-OBS Temperature and Precipitation Datasets
  • A Reappraisal of the Thermal Growing Season Length across Europe
  • CLASSnmat: a global Night Marine Air Temperature dataset
  • Sub-daily sea-level pressure series for London (GB), Paris (FR) and De Bilt (NL)

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Co-workers & collaborators

Antonello Squintu

Antonello Squintu

Gerard van der Schrier

Gerard van der Schrier

Richard Cornes's public data