Richard Collins
Senior Lecturer of Water Engineering (Hydrodynamics and hydraulic engineering)
- Cratering associated with failure of pressurised water mains
- Calibrating and validating a combined accumulation and mobilisation model for water distribution system discolouration using particle swarm optimisation
- A theory for realistic modelling of leakage and intrusion flows through leak openings in pipes
- Leak detection in a long pipe system
- Transient Mobilisation of Replicated Biofilms
- Crater size calculator (Cratering associated with failure of pressurised water mains)
- Effect of voids on the bending response of buried flexible utility pipes
- Do transients contribute to turbidity failures of water distribution systems?
- A novel demonstration of adhered material mobilisation by hydraulic transients
- Predicting crater formation from failure of pressurized water mains through analogy with buried explosive events
- Influence of Pipe Material on the Transmission of Vibroacoustic Leak Signals in Real Complex Water Distribution Systems: Case Study
- Experimental Quantification of Intrusion Volumes due to Transients in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
- PipeSLAM: Simultaneous localisation and mapping in feature sparse water pipes using the Rao-Blackwellised particle filter
- Experimental Investigation into the Influence of Backfill Types on the Vibro-acoustic Characteristics of Leaks in MDPE Pipe
- Effect of Uncertainty Demand Location on Transient behavior of WDS
- Derivation and Validation of a Leakage Model for Longitudinal Slits in Polyethylene Pipes
- Physical investigation into the significance of ground conditions on dynamic leakage behaviour
- Characterisation of the Physical Composition and Microbial Community Structure of Biofilms within a Model Full-Scale Drinking Water Distribution System
- Can a valve closure transient cause mobilisation of adhered particles?
- Cratering associated with failure of pressurised water mains
- Literature review: cratering associated with failure of pressurised water mains
- Adapting astronomical source detection software to help detect animals in thermal images obtained by unmanned aerial systems
- Assessing ground support of plastic pipes using ultrasound
- Numerical transient analysis of random leakage in time and frequency domains
- Robot localization in water pipes using acoustic signals and pose graph optimization
- Occurrence of Transients in Water Distribution Networks
- An experimental study of how hydraulic transients cause mobilisation of material within drinking water distribution systems
- Robot mapping and localisation in metal water pipes using hydrophone induced vibration and map alignment by dynamic time warping
- Experimental study exploring the interaction of structural and leakage dynamics
- Experimental Quantification of Contaminant Ingress into a Buried Leaking Pipe during Transient Events
- Traditional Leakage Models for Leakage Modelling: Effective or Not?
- Non-Destructive In-Situ Condition Assessment of Plastic Pipe Using Ultrasound
- Dynamic Leakage: Physical Study of the Leak Behaviour of Longitudinal Slits in MDPE Pipe
- Experimental Quantification of Intrusion Due to Transients in Distribution Systems
- Controlled, Realistic-scale, Experimental Study of How the Quantity and Erodibility of Discolouration Material Varies with Shear Strength
- The Effect of Demand Uncertainty on Transient Propagation in Water Distribution Systems
- Robot Mapping and Localisation for Feature Sparse Water Pipes Using Voids as Landmarks
- Experimental investigation into techniques to predict leak shapes in water distribution systems using vibration measurements
- Realistic Modeling of Leakage and Intrusion Flows through Leak Openings in Pipes
- Robotic Mapping and Localisation in Feature Sparse Water Pipes
- Propagating uncertainties in hydraulic transient modelling using a non-intrusive polynomial chaos methods
- Feature Extraction of Leaks Signals in Plastic Water Distribution Pipes Using the Wavelet Transform
- Comparison of probabilistic modelling techniques for transients in water distribution networks
- Application of least squares support vector machines and acoustic measurements for leak flow rate prediction
- Prediction of leak flow rate in plastic water distribution pipes using vibro-acoustic measurements
- Experimental investigation into vibro-acoustic emission signal processing techniques to quantify leak flow rate in plastic water distribution pipes
- Soil Saturation Detection from in Pipe Ultrasound Measurements
- Feature extraction of leaks signals in plastic water distribution pipes using the wavelet transform
- A method to characterise transients from pressure signals recorded in real water distribution networks
- Transient Behavior in Complex Distribution Network: A Case Study
- Transient source localisation methodology and laboratory validation
- Experimental proof of contaminant ingress into a leaking pipe during a transient event
- Modelling both the continual erosion and regeneration of discolouration material in drinking water distribution systems
- Influence of ground conditions on intrusion flows through apertures in distribution pipes
- Intrusion modelling and the effect of groundwater conditions
- Data for "An Experimental Study of How Hydraulic Transients Cause Mobilisation"
- CCWI2017: F126 'Probabilistic Modelling of Transient Propagation in Water Distribution Systems'
- CCWI2017: F11 'Can a Valve Closure Transient Cause Mobilisation of Adhered Particles?'
- Time dependent area of leaks in MDPE pipes during transient events
- Onset detection of transient waves using a novel experimental data set
- Intrusion and leakage through cracks and slits in plastic (MDPE) pipes
- The structure and stability of drinking water biofilms
- How severe can transients be due to a sudden de-pressurization?
- Intrusion into water distribution systems through leaks and orifices: Initial experimental results
- Controlled, realistic-scale, experimental study of how the quantity and erodibility of discolouration material varies with shear strength
- Derivation and validation of a leakage model for longitudinal slits in polyethylene pipes
- PipeSLAM: Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping in Feature Sparse Water Pipes using the Rao-Blackwellised Particle Filter
- Realistic modeling of leakage and intrusion flows through leak openings in pipes
- Influence of pipe material on the transmission of vibroacoustic leak signals in real complex water distribution systems: case study
- Transient mobilisation of replicated biofilms
- Experimental quantification of intrusion volumes due to transients in drinking water distribution systems
- Characterisation of the Physical Composition and Microbial Community Structure of Biofilms within a Model Full-Scale Drinking Water Distribution System.
- Robot localization in water pipes using acoustic signals and pose graph optimization.
- Occurrence of transients in water distribution networks
- Experimental quantification of contaminant ingress into a buried leaking pipe during transient events
- Non-destructive in-situ condition assessment of plastic pipe using ultrasound
- City infrastructure ontologies
- Multiaxial fatigue of water pipe grey cast iron
- Experimental quantification of intrusion due to transients in distribution systems
- Fatigue failure analysis of grey cast iron water pipes accounting for fatigue strength variation
- Experimental validation of a model for predicting the bending fatigue strength of corroded grey cast iron water pipes
- Proactive pipe management: multiaxial fatigue of water pipe grey cast iron
- Investigating an alternative to exhumed grey cast iron water pipes for small-scale fatigue tests
- A Model of Intermittent Water Supply Simulating the Inequitable Distribution of Water
- Experimental Investigation of the Fatigue Strength and Leakage Failure Mode of Corroded Cast Iron Water Pipes
- Modelling Consumer Demand in Intermittent Water Supply (IWS) Networks: Evidence from Nepal
- Experimental investigation of the fatigue strength and leakage failure mode of corroded cast iron water pipes
- Characterizing the Impact of Hydrants on Transients