
Rebecca Bryant

Senior Program Officer, OCLC Research (Library and information studies not elsewhere classified)

Dublin, OH

Rebecca Bryant, PhD, serves as Senior Program Officer at OCLC Research where she leads research efforts in collaboration with OCLC Research Library Partnership members on research support topics. Rebecca previously served as Project Manager for Researcher Information Services in the University Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and as Director of Community at ORCID where she led outreach initiatives to encourage the adoption of ORCID identifiers worldwide. Prior to ORCID, Dr. Bryant spent a decade in the University of Illinois Graduate College as Assistant Dean where she led numerous initiatives including the establishment of campus-wide graduate career services, postdoctoral affairs, Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs), and graduate policies.


  • The ORCID iD: Optimizing Discoverability of Research and Scholarship
  • ORCID Annual Public Data File, 2013 DOI: 10.14454/07243.2013.001
  • 'But I Have No Skills'
  • A Ph.D. and a Failure
  • Go Ahead, Haggle
  • Shaking Things Up: Popularizing the Shimmy in America DOI: 10.2307/1350139
  • The Emergence of Research Information Management (RIM) within US Libraries and Implications for Institutional Research
  • Adoption and Integration of Persistent Identifiers in European Research Information Management
  • The Realities of Research Data Management Part One: A Tour of the Research Data Management (RDM) Service Space.
  • Convenience and Compliance: Case Studies on Persistent Identifiers in European Research Information
  • Research Information Management: Defining RIM and the Library’s Role
  • Incentives for Building University RDM Services. The Realities of Research Data Management, Part 3.
  • Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey
  • The Realities of Research Data Management Part Four: Sourcing and Scaling University RDM Services
  • Facilitating technical interoperability through improved social interoperability
  • Social Interoperability in Research Support: Cross-Campus Partnerships and the University Research Enterprise
  • Connecting researchers with their research through community adoption of ORCID
  • Linking Researchers with their Research: Persistent identifiers, registries, and interoperability standards
  • ORCID Annual Public Data File, 2013
  • Sherrie Tucker: Dance Floor Democracy: The Social Geography of Memory at the Hollywood Canteen
  • Supporting research information management in the research university: partnerships, challenges, and possibilities
  • The Realities of Research Data Management Part Two: Scoping the University RDM Service Bundle
  • Supporting Evaluation with Unique and Persistent Identifiers for Researchers
  • Connecting Research and Researchers with ORCID
  • ORCID Annual Public Data File, 2014
  • The Realities of Research Data Management: Selected University RDM Service Profiles
  • Shaking things up: Popularizing the shimmy in America
  • Shaking Big Shoulders: Music and Dance Culture in Chicago, 1910-1925
  • Connecting research datasets and researchers: ORCID use cases and integrations
  • Linking Researchers with their Research: Persistent identifiers, registries, and interoperability standards
  • Research Information Management in the United States: Part 1—Findings and Recommendations.
  • Research Information Management in the United States: Part 1—Findings and Recommendations
  • LIBER 2021 Session #8: Level up! Building the skills
  • Research Information Management in the United States: Part 2—Case Studies
  • Building Research Data Management Capacity: Case Studies In Strategic Library Collaboration

Rebecca Bryant's public data