
Rafael Ferreira da Silva

Senior Research Scientist (Information and computing sciences; Engineering)



  • Teaching Parallel and Distributed Computing Concepts in Simulation with WRENCH
  • Bridging Concepts and Practice in eScience via Simulation-Driven Engineering
  • Developing accurate and scalable simulators of production workflow management systems with WRENCH
  • Characterizing, Modeling, and Accurately Simulating Power and Energy Consumption of I/O-intensive Scientific Workflows
  • A Novel Metric to Evaluate In Situ Workflows
  • The Pegasus Workflow Management System: Translational Computer Science in Practice
  • Modeling the Performance of Scientific Workflow Executions on HPC Platforms with Burst Buffers
  • End-to-end online performance data capture and analysis for scientific workflows
  • A lightweight method for evaluating in situ workflow efficiency
  • Teaching parallel and distributed computing concepts in simulation with WRENCH
  • Using simple PID-inspired controllers for online resilient resource management of distributed scientific workflows
  • The Evolution of the Pegasus Workflow Management Software
  • Measuring the impact of burst buffers on data-intensive scientific workflows
  • Accurately Simulating Energy Consumption of I/O-Intensive Scientific Workflows
  • An intelligent interface for integrating climate, hydrology, agriculture, and socioeconomic models
  • MCEM
  • Empowering Agroecosystem Modeling with HTC Scientific Workflows: The Cycles Model Use Case
  • Exploration of Workflow Management Systems Emerging Features from Users Perspectives
  • Characterizing In Situ and In Transit Analytics of Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Next-Generation Supercomputers
  • Custom Execution Environments with Containers in Pegasus-Enabled Scientific Workflows
  • Software architectures to integrate workflow engines in science gateways
  • A characterization of workflow management systems for extreme-scale applications
  • Workflow Performance Profiles: Development and Analysis
  • On the use of burst buffers for accelerating data-intensive scientific workflows
  • Distributed workflows for modeling experimental data
  • A Job Sizing Strategy for High-Throughput Scientific Workflows
  • Toward Prioritization of Data Flows for Scientific Workflows Using Virtual Software Defined Exchanges
  • Collaborative circuit designs using the CRAFT repository
  • Boutiques: a flexible framework to integrate command-line applications in computing platforms
  • WRENCH: A Framework for Simulating Workflow Management Systems
  • Pegasus in the Cloud: Science Automation through Workflow Technologies
  • Reproducibility of execution environments in computational science using Semantics and Clouds
  • Consecutive Job Submission Behavior at Mira Supercomputer
  • Toward an End-to-End Framework for Modeling, Monitoring and Anomaly Detection for Scientific Workflows
  • Performance Analysis of an I/O-Intensive Workflow Executing on Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services
  • Analyzing users in parallel computing: A user-oriented study
  • Increasing waiting time satisfaction in parallel job scheduling via a flexible MILP approach
  • Science automation in practice: Performance data farming in workflows
  • Asterism: Pegasus and Dispel4py Hybrid Workflows for Data-Intensive Science
  • Automating environmental computing applications with scientific workflows
  • A Cleanup Algorithm for Implementing Storage Constraints in Scientific Workflow Executions
  • Dynamic and Fault-Tolerant Clustering for Scientific Workflows
  • Self-Management of Operational Issues for Grid Computing
  • Reproducibility of neuroimaging analyses across operating systems
  • Characterizing a High Throughput Computing Workload: The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Experiment at LHC
  • PANORAMA: An approach to performance modeling and diagnosis of extreme-scale workflows
  • Understanding the scientific software ecosystem and its impact: Current and future measures
  • Practical Resource Monitoring for Robust High Throughput Computing
  • Online Task Resource Consumption Prediction for Scientific Workflows
  • Understanding User Behavior: From HPC to HTC
  • A Science-Gateway Workload Archive to Study Pilot Jobs, User Activity, Bag of Tasks, Task Sub-steps, and Workflow Executions
  • On-Line, Non-clairvoyant Optimization of Workflow Activity Granularity on Grids
  • Self-healing of workflow activity incidents on distributed computing infrastructures
  • Monte Carlo simulation on heterogeneous distributed systems: A computing framework with parallel merging and checkpointing strategies
  • Controlling fairness and task granularity in distributed, online, non-clairvoyant workflow executions
  • Using Imbalance Metrics to Optimize Task Clustering in Scientific Workflow Executions
  • Pegasus, a Workflow Management System for Science Automation
  • Community Resources for Enabling and Evaluating Research on Scientific Workflows
  • A Semantic-Based Approach to Attain Reproducibility of Computational Environments in Scientific Workflows: A Case Study
  • Balanced Task Clustering in Scientific Workflows
  • Self-Healing of Operational Workflow Incidents on Distributed Computing Infrastructures
  • Multi-modality medical image simulation of biological models with the Virtual Imaging Platform (VIP)
  • A Virtual Imaging Platform for Multi-Modality Medical Image Simulation
  • Multi-modality image simulation with the Virtual Imaging Platform: Illustration on cardiac echography and MRI
  • Using a Simple Prioritisation Mechanism to Effectively Interoperate Service and Opportunistic Grids in the EELA-2 e-Infrastructure
  • Toward fine-grained online task characteristics estimation in scientific workflows
  • GLUME: A Strategy for Reducing Workflow Execution Times on Batch-Scheduled Platforms
  • WfCommons: A framework for enabling scientific workflow research and development
  • Evaluating Energy-Aware Scheduling Algorithms for I/O-Intensive Scientific Workflows
  • Blueprint: Cyberinfrastructure Center of Excellence
  • Modeling the Linux page cache for accurate simulation of data-intensive applications
  • Assessing Resource Provisioning and Allocation of Ensembles of In Situ Workflows
  • Workflows Community Summit: Advancing the State-of-the-art of Scientific Workflows Management Systems Research and Development
  • Workflows Community Summit: Bringing the Scientific Workflows Community Together
  • Artificial Intelligence for Modeling Complex Systems: Taming the Complexity of Expert Models to Improve Decision Making
  • Emerging Frameworks for Advancing Scientific Workflows Research, Development, and Education
  • Toward more rigorous and informative nutritional epidemiology: The rational space between dismissal and defense of the status quo
  • Serverless Containers – Rising Viable Approach to Scientific Workflows
  • Peachy Parallel Assignments (EduHPC 2021)
  • WfChef: Automated Generation of Accurate Scientific Workflow Generators
  • A Community Roadmap for Scientific Workflows Research and Development
  • A Roadmap to Robust Science for High-throughput Applications: The Scientists’ Perspective
  • A Roadmap to Robust Science for High-throughput Applications: The Developers’ Perspective
  • Lightning Talks of EduHPC 2020
  • Workflows Community Summit: Tightening the Integration between Computing Facilities and Scientific Workflows
  • Performance assessment of ensembles of in situ workflows under resource constraints
  • Unveiling User Behavior on Summit Login Nodes as a User
  • On the Feasibility of Simulation-Driven Portfolio Scheduling for Cyberinfrastructure Runtime Systems
  • Automated generation of scientific workflow generators with WfChef
  • Science Gateways: Accelerating Research and Education—Part I
  • Science Gateways: Accelerating Research and Education—Part II
  • Workflows Community Summit 2022: A Roadmap Revolution
  • Evaluating the Cloud for Capability Class Leadership Workloads
  • Julia as a unifying end-to-end workflow language on the Frontier exascale system
  • A High-level Design for Bidirectional Data Streaming to High-Performance Computing Systems from External Science Facilities
  • Integrating HPC, AI, and Workflows for Scientific Data Analysis: Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 23352
  • 2023 Operational Assessment Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility

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Co-workers & collaborators

Ewa Deelman

Ewa Deelman

Henri Casanova

Henri Casanova

Frederic Suter

Senior Researcher

Frederic Suter

Rafael Ferreira da Silva's public data