
Paweł Pławiak

Scientist (Information and computing sciences)

Krakow, Poland

Paweł Pławiak was born in Ostrowiec, Poland, in 1984. He obtained his M.Sc. degree in Electronics and Telecommunications and his Ph.D degree with honors in Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering at the AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland, in 2012 and 2016, respectively. He is an Assistant Professor with the Institute of Telecomputing, Cracow University of Technology, Cracow, Poland. His research interests include machine learning and computational intelligence (e.g., artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy systems, support vector machines, k-nearest neighbors, and hybrid systems), ensemble learning, deep learning, evolutionary computation, classification, pattern recognition, signal processing and analysis, data analysis and data mining, sensor techniques, medicine, biocybernetics, and biomedical engineering.


  • P. PŁAWIAK, W. Maziarz; Comparison of artificial intelligence methods on the example of tea classification based on signals from e-nose sensors; HRPUB, Advances in Signal Processing, 1(2): 19-32; 10/2013
  • P. PŁAWIAK, W. Maziarz; Classification of tea specimens using novel hybrid artificial intelligence methods; Elsevier, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical; 192: 117-125; 03/2014
  • P. PŁAWIAK, R. Tadeusiewicz; Approximation of phenol concentration using novel hybrid computational intelligence methods; International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science; 24(1): 165-181; 03/2014
  • P. PŁAWIAK; An estimation of the state of consumption of a positive displacement pump based on dynamic pressure or vibrations using neural networks; Elsevier, Neurocomputing; 144: 471-483; 11/2014
  • P. PŁAWIAK, K. Rzecki; Approximation of Phenol Concentration Using Computational Intelligence Methods Based on Signals From the Metal-Oxide Sensor Array; IEEE, Sensors Journal; 15(3): 1770-1783; 03/2015
  • T. Wójtowicz, K. Rzecki, P. PŁAWIAK, M. Niedźwiecki, T. Sośnicki, K. Smelcerz, T. Wojtoń, Z. Tabor; Emergence of cooperation as a result of mutation and inheritance in PD/PG-like game; Technical Transactions, Fundamental Sciences; 1(19): 71-84; 12/2015
  • T. Wójtowicz, K. Rzecki, P. PŁAWIAK, M. Niedźwiecki, T. Sośnicki, T. Wojtoń, K. Smelcerz, Z. Tabor; Technical Transactions, Fundamental Sciences; 1(19):85-104; 12/2015
  • P. PŁAWIAK, T. Sośnicki, M. Niedźwiecki, Z. Tabor, K. Rzecki; Hand Body Language Gesture Recognition Based on Signals From Specialized Glove and Machine Learning Algorithms; IEEE, Transactions on Industrial Informatics; 12(3): 1104-1113; 06/2016
  • K. Rzecki, P. PŁAWIAK, M. Niedźwiecki, T. Sośnicki, J. Leśkow, M. Ciesielski; Person Recognition Based on Touch Screen Gestures using Computational Intelligence Methods; Elsevier, Information Science; 415-416: 70-84; 11/2017
  • P. PŁAWIAK; Novel Methodology of Cardiac Health Recognition Based on ECG Signals and Evolutionary-Neural System; Elsevier, Expert Systems With Applications; 92: 334-349; 02/2018
  • P. PŁAWIAK; Novel Genetic Ensembles of Classifiers Applied to Myocardium Dysfunction Recognition Based on ECG Signals; Elsevier, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation; In Press; 2018

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