- Simulating cadaveric dissection with virtual resources during Covid-19 in an undergraduate Anatomy Science programme
- Ultrasound Lumbar Spine Clinical Training Phantom: Which is the Best Embedding Medium?
- One Size Does Not Fit All in Remote Anatomy Teaching
- Hybrid co-teaching using technology: Could this be a model for peer-mentoring?
- Teaching, Research, Innovation and Public Engagement
- Biomedical Visualisation Volume 14 ‒ COVID-19 Technology and Visualisation Adaptations for Biomedical Teaching
- 3D printing the pterygopalatine fossa: a negative space model of a complex structure
- Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging in stroke: An evidence-based clinical review
- A contextual thematic analysis of the accessory nerve in Scottish historical medical collections of the Royal Colleges of Edinburgh and Glasgow
- Arterial Anatomy of the Anterior Abdominal Wall: Ultrasound Evaluation as a Real-Time Guide to Percutaneous Instrumentation.
- A Serious Game on Skull Anatomy for Dental Undergraduates
- Collect the Bones, Avoid the Cones: A Game-Based App for Public Engagement
- Dying with dignity: Is this a universal concept?
- Sharps injuries among medical students
- Stroke recovery and lesion reduction following acute isolated bilateral ischaemic pontine infarction: A case report
- Resin-embedded anatomical cross-sections as a teaching adjunct for medical curricula: is this technique an alternative to potting and plastination?
- Identifying variant anatomy during ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia: opportunities for clinical improvement
- Sharps Injuries during Dissection: A Five‐year Retrospective Study in the Context of Safety
- The Use of Ultrasound in Educational Settings: What Should We Consider When Implementing this Technique for Visualisation of Anatomical Structures?
- Arterial Anatomy of the Anterior Abdominal Wall: Evidence-Based Safe Sites for Instrumentation based on Radiological Analysis of 100 Patients.
- Dissecting Art: Developing Object-Based Teaching Using Historical Collections.
- Scanning Conditions in Functional Connectivity Magnetic Resonance Imaging: How to Standardise Resting-State for Optimal Data Acquisition and Visualisation?
- A marking of the cricothyroid membrane with extended neck returns to correct position after neck manipulation and repositioning
- Identifying Anatomical Structures on Ultrasound: Assistive Artificial Intelligence in Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia.
- Developing and evaluating a prototype public health mobile app on the UK NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme
- Identifying the Emergence of the Superficial Peroneal Nerve through Deep Fascia on Ultrasound and by Dissection: Implications for Regional Anaesthesia in Foot and Ankle Surgery.
- A qualitative literature review exploring the role of the inguinal ligament in the context of inguinal disruption management
- Brain hyperintensities in magnetic resonance imaging of patients with mild acute focal neurology
- Medical Curriculum: How Do We Manage Incidental Findings in Educational Settings?
- Online teaching using medical and anatomical imagery to explore research methods
- Ultrasound Basics for Handheld Systems
- AI in Clinically Applied Anatomy: Friend or Foe Public