- Akt and STAT5 mediate naïve human CD4+ T-cell early metabolic response to TCR stimulation
- Adopting a flipped classroom approach for teaching molar calculations to biochemistry and genetics students
- Metabolic Adaptation of Human CD4+ and CD8+ T-Cells to T-Cell Receptor-Mediated Stimulation
- A novel hybrid CFH/CFHR3 gene generated by a microhomology-mediated deletion in familial atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome
- Common polymorphisms in C3, factor B, and factor H collaborate to determine systemic complement activity and disease risk
- Lactoferrin inhibits neutrophil apoptosis via blockade of proximal apoptotic signaling events
- Lactoferrin is a survival factor for neutrophils in rheumatoid synovial fluid
- Bioenergetic analysis of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
- Reimagining laboratory‐based immunology education in the time of COVID‐19
- Reshaping education
- Engagement with video content in the blended classroom
- Practical approaches to delivering pandemic impacted laboratory teaching
- The virtual flow cytometer: A new learning experience and environment for undergraduate teaching
- COVID as a catalyst: uncovering misaligned power dynamics and the importance of new professional learning networks for higher education science laboratory teaching
- Reshaping education. Part I: Practical thinking in a pandemic
- Practical approaches to delivering pandemic impacted laboratory teaching
- Embedding Retrieval Practice in Undergraduate Biochemistry teaching using PeerWise
- The future of lectures: Ten top tips for engaging and inclusive teaching
- Embedding retrieval practice in undergraduate biochemistry teaching using PeerWise
- The future of lectures: ten top tips for engaging and inclusive teaching
- Redefining online biology education: a study on interactive branched video utilisation and student learning experiences
- Harnessing the power of decontextualised learning and co-creation in immunology education
- Process not product in the written assessment
- Embedding Generative AI as a digital capability into a year-long MSc skills program
- Assessment IS learning: developing a student‐centred approach for assessment in Higher Education
- Making teamwork work: enhancing teamwork and assessment in higher education
- Does AI write good science, and does it know whether it can? Evaluating the ability of Generative AI to write and evaluate scientific text
- Generative AI in higher education: balancing innovation and integrity