
Nick Simpson

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Cape Town


  • Nicholas Philip Simpson, Clifford D. Shearing & Benoit Dupont. 2019. When Anthropocene shocks contest conventional mentalities: a case study from Cape Town, Climate and Development, DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2019.1609402
  • Simpson, N.P. and Krönke, M. 2019. Police in Zimbabwe: Helping hand or iron fist? Afrobarometer.
  • Simpson, N.P. 2018. Accommodating landscape-scale shocks: Lessons on transition from Cape Town and Puerto Rico, Geoforum,
  • Simpson, N.P. and Basta, C. 2018. Sufficiently capable for effective participation in environmental impact assessment? Environmental Impact Assessment Review,
  • Simpson, N.P. 2018. Applying the capability approach to enhance the conceptualisation of well-being in environmental assessment. Journal of Human Development and Capabilities,
  • Portia Adade Williams, Olivier Crespo, Mumuni Abu and Nicholas Philip Simpson, 2018. A systematic review of how vulnerability of smallholder agricultural systems to changing climate is assessed in Africa, Environmental Research Letters,
  • Resilience Policing: An Emerging Response to Shifting Harm Landscapes and Reshaping Community Policing
  • Feasibility assessment of climate change adaptation options across Africa: an evidence-based review
  • Managing city-scale slow-onset disasters: Learning from Cape Town's 2015–2018 drought disaster planning
  • The role of indigenous knowledge and local knowledge in water sector adaptation to climate change in Africa: A structured assessment
  • Design principles for sustainability: Tearfund’s expanding international development approach
  • AFFIL: Global evidence of constraints and limits to human adaptation
  • Climate change adaptation to extreme heat: A global systematic review of implemented action
  • Understanding responses to climate-related water scarcity in Africa
  • Funding flows for climate change research on Africa: where do they come from and where do they go?
  • Climate change adaptation in conflict-affected countries: A systematic assessment of evidence
  • Accommodating landscape-scale shocks: Lessons on transition from Cape Town and Puerto Rico
  • Police in Zimbabwe: Helping hand or iron fist?
  • When Anthropocene shocks contest conventional mentalities: a case study from Cape Town
  • Municipal finance and resilience lessons for urban infrastructure management: a case study from the Cape Town drought
  • Climate Gating: A Case Study of Emerging Responses to Anthropocene Risks
  • Gated Adaptation during the Cape Town Drought: Mentalities, Transitions and Pathways to Partial Nodes of Water Security
  • Insurance in the Anthropocene: Exposure, Solvency and Manoeuvrability
  • Synthesis Report: South Africa climate change and security
  • Assessing and responding to complex risk in a changing climate
  • Compound Climate Risks During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Global Perspective
  • Sufficiently capable for effective participation in environmental impact assessment?
  • Applying the Capability Approach to Enhance the Conceptualization of Well-being in Environmental Assessment
  • A systematic review of how vulnerability of smallholder agricultural systems to changing climate is assessed in Africa
  • Building a Sustainable Future
  • Adoption rationales and effects of off-grid renewable energy access for African youth: A case study from Tanzania
  • A framework for complex climate change risk assessment
  • A capabilities approach to environmental assessment: enhancing the integration of human development and well-being in participatory environmental decision making
  • A framework for complex climate change risk assessment
  • Assessing and responding to complex risk in a changing climate
  • Climate Change Literacy in Africa
  • ‘Partial functional redundancy’: an expression of household level resilience in response to climate risk
  • Effective EIA Public Participation in the Western Cape, South Africa
  • Police in Zimbabwe: Helping hand or iron fist?
  • A Theoretically Inspired Q-Methodological Approach for the Evaluation of Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Closing the Adaptation Gap in Mountains
  • A global assessment of policy tools to support climate adaptation
  • A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change
  • Decolonizing climate change–heritage research
  • Global evidence of constraints and limits to human adaptation
  • A frame-work for complex climate change risk assessment
  • A framework for complex climate change risk assessment
  • Summary for Policymakers
  • Technical Summary
  • Point of Departure and Key Concepts
  • Poverty, Livelihoods and Sustainable Development
  • Africa
  • Key Risks Across Sectors and Regions
  • African heritage sites threatened as sea-level rise accelerates
  • Role of Indigenous and local knowledge in seasonal forecasts and climate risk preparedness: a case study of smallholder farmers in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe
  • The role of indigenous knowledge and local knowledge in water sector adaptation to climate change in Africa: a structured assessment
  • Tradeoffs and Synergies Across Global Climate Change Adaptations in the Food‐Energy‐Water Nexus
  • A capabilities approach to environmental assessment: enhancing the integration of human development and well-being in participatory environmental decision making
  • The role of indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation in Africa
  • African Union Climate Change and Resilient Development Strategy and Action Plan (2022-2032)
  • Climate Resilient Development Pathways in Global Drylands
  • Decision making options for managing risk
  • Is indigenous knowledge serving climate adaptation? Evidence from various African regions
  • White Paper II: Impacts, vulnerability, and understanding risks of climate change for culture and heritage
  • Climate change in South Africa: Risks and opportunities for climate-resilient development in the IPCC Sixth Assessment WGII Report
  • IN Press: Is indigenous knowledge serving climate adaptation? Evidence from various African regions
  • Climate Change in Cities and Urban Areas: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
  • Decolonising climate change-heritage research
  • Is indigenous knowledge serving climate adaptation? Evidence from various African regions
  • Adaptation to compound climate risks: a systematic global stocktake
  • Adaptation to compound climate risks: A systematic global stocktake
  • Integrating climate change in Environmental Impact Assessment: A review of requirements across 19 EIA regimes
  • African Shifts
  • ICSM CHC White Paper II: Impacts, vulnerability, and understanding risks of climate change for culture and heritage
  • Risk from responses to a changing climate
  • Climate-resilient development planning for cities: progress from Cape Town
  • Author Correction: Climate-resilient development planning for cities: progress from Cape Town
  • Tradeoffs and Synergies Across Global Climate Change Adaptations in the Food-Energy-Water Nexus
  • Role of Indigenous and local knowledge in seasonal forecasts and climate adaptation: A case study of smallholder farmers in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe
  • Vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate variability in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe
  • Introduction: A Framework for Assessing Climate Security
  • Securing a Climate-resilient Pathway for South Africa
  • Climate Security at a Crossroads: The Evolution and Future of Climate Security in the United Nations Security Council and its Member States
  • Indigenous and local knowledge in the vulnerability of smallholder farmers to climate variability and change in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe
  • Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report
  • African Shifts: The Africa Climate Mobility Report, Addressing Climate-Forced Migration & Displacement
  • Ratcheting up effectiveness to improve the Global Stocktake process
  • A global assessment of actors and their roles in climate change adaptation
  • Human adaptation to climate change in the context of forests: A systematic review
  • Integrating climate change in Environmental Impact Assessment: A review of requirements across 19 EIA regimes
  • Research priorities for climate mobility
  • The challenges of the increasing institutionalization of climate security
  • Is indigenous knowledge serving climate adaptation? Evidence from various African regions
  • Taking stock of Just Energy Transition Partnerships
  • The Climate – Education Research Framework
  • Towards Sustainable Fuel Subsidy Reform in Nigeria: Evaluating progress and pathways to success
  • Putting the 'just' in Just Energy Transition Partnerships: What role for the multilateral development banks?
  • One size won't fit all: Designing country platforms for different political contexts
  • Between tinkering and transformation: A contemporary appraisal of climate change adaptation research on the world's islands
  • Is indigenous knowledge serving climate adaptation? Evidence from various African regions
  • The land degradation and desertification-socioeconomic nexus in Egypt's delta region: A case study on Alexandria and Beheira
  • Engaging diverse knowledge holders in adaptation research
  • UK aid for sustainable cities: Literature review

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Co-workers & collaborators

Scott Orr

Scott Orr

Christopher Trisos

Christopher Trisos

Christopher Lennard

University of Cape Town

Christopher Lennard

Nick Simpson's public data