
Netzahualpilli Delgado Figueroa


  • Prevalence of respiratory viruses in wheezing children not older than 24 months of age
  • Risk factors associated with gastric adenocarcinoma of intestinal and diffuse histological patterns in adult population of western Mexico,Factores de riesgo asociados a adenocarcinoma gástrico de patrones histológicos de tipo intestinal y difuso en población adulta del occidente de México
  • Subcutaneous rapid-acting insulin analogues for diabetic ketoacidosis
  • A rural environment does not protect against asthma or other allergic diseases amongst Mexican children
  • Sliding scale insulin for non-critically ill hospitalised adults with diabetes mellitus
  • The Cochrane Library - Sliding scale insulin for non-critically ill hospitalised adults with diabetes mellitus.
  • Protecting human health in a time of climate change: how Cochrane should respond
  • The Cochrane Library - Heparin versus placebo for non‐ST elevation acute coronary syndromes
  • Protecting human health in a time of climate change: how Cochrane should respond.
  • Adoption of the World Health Organization’s best practices in clinical trial registration and reporting among top public and philanthropic funders of medical research in the United States
  • Self-Reported Drug Hypersensitivity Amongst Late Adolescents in Mexico: A Population Based Study.
  • Subcutaneous rapid-acting insulin analogues for diabetic ketoacidosis
  • Heparin versus placebo for non-ST elevation acute coronary syndromes
  • Frecuencia de efectos secundarios a la vacunación anti-COVID19 en estudiantes de ciencias de la salud de la Universidad de Guadalajara: Protocolo de un estudio transversal
  • Sistemas de gestión de información científica en universidades, una revisión sistemática exploratoria
  • Association between the CDH1-472dela and-160C> A polymorphisms and diffuse and intestinal gastric cancer in a mexican population
  • Chemical burn with nitric acid and xanthoproteic reaction
  • Viral coinfection in acute respiratory infection in Mexican children treated by the emergency service: A cross-sectional study
  • 50 Years Ago in The Journal of Pediatrics
  • Efectos de dietas bajas en grasa y dietas bajas en carbohidratos, un ensayo clínico aleatorizado
  • Ensayo clínico aleatorizado APPAC: Terapia antibiótica versus apendicectomía para el tratamiento de la apendicitis aguda no complicada
  • Comparados con horarios estrictos, los horarios flexibles no son inferiores en desenlaces de pacientes ni de residentes
  • Prevalencia de diabetes mellitus II: la influencia de obesidad, sedentarismo y herencia en la comunidad de San José de Gracia, Jalisco 2010.
  • The Cochrane Library - Subcutaneous rapid‐acting insulin analogues for diabetic ketoacidosis
  • CONAMED Journal Club: ¿Qué es y para qué sirve?
  • Epidural pneumorrhachis, a rare complication of asthma exacerbation.
  • Factores de riesgo asociados a adenocarcinoma gástrico de patrones histológicos de tipo intestinal y difuso en población adulta del occidente de México
  • Prevalence of respiratory viruses in wheezing children not older than 24 months of age.
  • La relevancia de la comunicación de la labor científica, la supervisión por los comités de investigación y la estandarización de procesos gerenciales como estrategia de trabajo de la Dirección de Investigación
  • Informe Técnico TD-HUMETAV
  • Comparing the diagnostic performance of an artificial intelligence system with human readers in the tomographic evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia
  • Association between the CDH1-472dela and-160C> A polymorphisms and diffuse and intestinal gastric cancer in a mexican population
  • Towards transparency: adoption of WHO best practices in clinical trial registration and reporting among top medical research funders in the USA
  • A current overview of public policy on road accidents and anti-drink driving in Mexico, analyzed using data of the Global Burden of Disease 2019.
  • Investigación en Póster/Cartel: Recomendaciones básicas
  • Implementación de ORCID

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