
Mingyu Luo


  • Asymmetric foraging lowers the trophic level and omnivory in natural food webs
  • The effects of dispersal on spatial synchrony in metapopulations differ by timescale
  • Human activities have reduced plant diversity in eastern China over the last two millennia
  • Multispecies coexistence in fragmented landscapes
  • Will drought exacerbate the decline in the sustainability of plantation forests relative to natural forests?
  • A size‐constrained feeding‐niche model distinguishes predation patterns between aquatic and terrestrial food webs
  • Dispersal Increases Spatial Synchrony of Populations but Has Weak Effects on Population Variability: A Meta-analysis
  • Featured Front Cover
  • Theoretical advances in biodiversity research
  • Effects of climate and plant functional types on forest above-ground biomass accumulation
  • Comparison between the stem and leaf photosynthetic productivity in Eucalyptus urophylla plantations with different age
  • Energy transfer efficiency rather than productivity determines trophic cascades
  • Will a large complex system be productive?

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Co-workers & collaborators

Dieter Ebert

Dieter Ebert

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