
Michelle Ward


  • Accelerated shifts in terrestrial life zones under rapid climate change
  • The costs of abating threats to Australias biodiversity
  • Logging elevated the probability of high-severity fire in the 2019–20 Australian forest fires
  • Creating past habitat maps to quantify local extirpation of Australian threatened birds
  • How to prioritize species recovery after a megafire
  • Lots of loss with little scrutiny: The attrition of habitat critical for threatened species in Australia
  • The impacts of contemporary logging after 250 years of deforestation and degradation on forest-dependent threatened species
  • A report card methodology to showcase progress towards threatened species recovery
  • The costs of managing key threats to Australia's biodiversity
  • Restoring habitat for fire-impacted species’ across degraded Australian landscapes
  • Modelling the spatial extent of post‐fire sedimentation threat to estimate the impacts of fire on waterways and aquatic species
  • Planning for Australian threatened species’ recovery
  • Just ten percent of the global terrestrial protected area network is structurally connected via intact land
  • Global opportunities and challenges for transboundary conservation
  • Impact of 2019–2020 mega-fires on Australian fauna habitat
  • The potential for applying “Nonviolent Communication” in conservation science
  • A national‐scale dataset for threats impacting Australia’s imperiled flora and fauna
  • A report card to effectively communicate threatened species recovery
  • A robust goal is needed for species in the Post‐2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
  • Use of surrogate species to cost‐effectively prioritize conservation actions
  • Only ten percent of the global terrestrial protected area network is connected via intact land
  • Change in terrestrial human footprint drives continued loss of intact ecosystems
  • Talk is cheap: Nations must act now to achieve long-term ambitions for biodiversity
  • Extinction risk for Australia’s iconic glider
  • Offsetting impacts of development on biodiversity and ecosystem services
  • Change in Terrestrial Human Footprint Drives Continued Loss of Intact Ecosystems
  • Threat-abatement framework confirms habitat retention and invasive species management are critical to conserve Australia's threatened species
  • The conservation impacts of ecological disturbance: Time-bound estimates of population loss and recovery for fauna affected by the 2019–2020 Australian megafires
  • Importance of species translocations under rapid climate change
  • Communicating the true challenges of saving species: response to Wiedenfeld et al.
  • Potential drivers of common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) decline on a Murray River floodplain
  • Vulnerable species and ecosystems are falling through the cracks of environmental impact assessments
  • Recent Australian wildfires made worse by logging and associated forest management
  • Food, money and lobsters: Valuing ecosystem services to align environmental management with Sustainable Development Goals
  • Converting rangelands to reserves: Small mammal and reptile responses 24 years after domestic livestock grazing removal
  • Australia’s undeveloped land is not “empty”
  • Change in Terrestrial Human Footprint Drives Continued Loss of Intact Ecosystems
  • Evaluating the impact of biodiversity offsetting on native vegetation
  • Consequences of the Australian 2019/20 wildfires for sites important for biodiversity and other world heritage values
  • Australia faces environmental crisis
  • Assessing the impact of referred actions on protected matters under Australia's national environmental legislation
  • A Method to Effectively Communicate Threatened Species Recovery
  • Species and ecological communities as management surrogates for threatened biodiversity

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Co-workers & collaborators

Robert Kooyman

Robert Kooyman

Michelle Ward's public data