
Michela Taufer


  • ANACIN-X: A software framework for studying non-determinism in MPI applications
  • Analysis of Vector Particle-In-Cell (VPIC) memory usage optimizations on cutting-edge computer architectures
  • A Roadmap to Robust Science for High-throughput Applications: The Scientists’ Perspective
  • Assessing Resource Provisioning and Allocation of Ensembles of In Situ Workflows
  • AI4IO: A suite of AI-based tools for IO-aware scheduling
  • A lightweight method for evaluating in situ workflow efficiency
  • Building a Vision for Reproducibility in the Cyberinfrastructure Ecosystem: Leveraging Community Efforts
  • SOMOSPIE: A Modular SOil MOisture SPatial Inference Engine Based on Data-Driven Decisions
  • Initial Thoughts on Cybersecurity And Reproducibility
  • Characterizing In Situ and In Transit Analytics of Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Next-Generation Supercomputers
  • Applicability Study of the PRIMAD Model to LIGO Gravitational Wave Search Workflows
  • Record-and-Replay Techniques for HPC Systems: A Survey
  • Graphic Encoding of Macromolecules for Efficient High-Throughput Analysis
  • High frequency accuracy and loss data of random neural networks trained on image datasets
  • Foreword from the general chair and technical program chair/vice chair
  • Building a vision for reproducibility in the cyberinfrastructure ecosystem: Leveraging community efforts
  • Flux: Overcoming Scheduling Challenges for Exascale Workflows
  • Flux: Overcoming scheduling challenges for exascale workflows
  • Reproducibility of the First Image of a Black Hole in the Galaxy M87 From the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration
  • KeyBin2: Distributed Clustering for Scalable and In-Situ Analysis
  • Spatial Gap-Filling of ESA CCI Satellite-Derived Soil Moisture Based on Geostatistical Techniques and Multiple Regression
  • Runtime Steering of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Through In Situ Analysis and Annotation of Collective Variables
  • Development of Large-Scale Scientific Cyberinfrastructure and the Growing Opportunity to Democratize Access to Platforms and Data
  • VPIC 2.0: Next Generation Particle-in-Cell Simulations
  • A Roadmap to Robust Science for High-throughput Applications: The Developers’ Perspective
  • A Case Study in Scientific Reproducibility from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
  • Usability and Performance Improvements in Hatchet
  • Optimize Memory Usage in Vector Particle-In-Cell (VPIC) to Break the 10 Trillion Particle Barrier in Plasma Simulations
  • Identifying Degree and Sources of Non-Determinism in MPI Applications Via Graph Kernels
  • Reproducing GW150914: The First Observation of Gravitational Waves From a Binary Black Hole Merger
  • A Graphic Encoding Method for Quantitative Classification of Protein Structure and Representation of Conformational Changes
  • A Novel Metric to Evaluate In Situ Workflows
  • Memory-Efficient and Skew-Tolerant MapReduce Over MPI for Supercomputing Systems
  • CanarIO: Sounding the Alarm on IO-Related Performance Degradation
  • Creating a portable, high-level graph analytics paradigm for compute and data-intensive applications
  • A three-phase workflow for general and expressive representations of nondeterminism in HPC applications
  • Characterization of Power Usage and Performance in Data-Intensive Applications Using MapReduce over MPI
  • The future of scientific workflows
  • Leveraging In Situ Data Analysis to Enable Computational Steering of Brain's Neocortex Simulations with GENESIS
  • On the Power of Combiner Optimizations in MapReduce Over MPI Workflows
  • Building Trust in Earth Science Findings through Data Traceability and Results Explainability
  • A Survey of Graph Comparison Methods with Applications to Nondeterminism in High-Performance Computing
  • Orchestration of materials science workflows for heterogeneous resources at large scale
  • Studying Latency and Throughput Constraints for Geo-Distributed Data in the National Science Data Fabric
  • GEOtiled: A Scalable Workflow for Generating Large Datasets of High-Resolution Terrain Parameters
  • Composable Workflow for Accelerating Neural Architecture Search Using In Situ Analytics for Protein Classification
  • Scalable Incremental Checkpointing using GPU-Accelerated De-Duplication
  • Toward a Compatible Reproducibility Taxonomy for Computational and Computing Sciences.
  • SC18 selects the next reproducibility challenge paper
  • A survey of algorithms for transforming molecular dynamics data into metadata for in situ analytics based on machine learning methods
  • Mimir: Memory-Efficient and Scalable MapReduce for Large Supercomputing Systems
  • Machine Learning Predictions of Runtime and IO Traffic on High-End Clusters
  • High Performance Computing
  • Gender and volunteer computing: A survey study
  • Development of a Scalable Method for Creating Food Groups Using the NHANES Dataset and MapReduce
  • Record and replay techniques for HPC systems: A survey
  • Preface
  • Data movement in data-intensive high performance computing
  • HPDC15 Chairs' welcome
  • Message from BDCloud Chairs
  • Scheduling DAG-based workflows on single cloud instances: High-performance and cost effectiveness with a static scheduler
  • Message from the General Chair
  • From HPC performance to climate modeling: Transforming methods for HPC predictions into models of extreme climate conditions
  • Study of the network impact on earthquake early warning in the Quake-Catcher Network project
  • A testing engine for high-performance and cost-effective workflow execution in the cloud
  • Bandwidth Modeling in Large Distributed Systems for Big Data Applications
  • Resource management for running HPC applications in container clouds
  • A genetic programming approach to design resource allocation policies for heterogeneous workflows in the cloud
  • Enhancing reproducibility for computational methods
  • CLUSTER 2015 general co-chairs welcome message
  • Performance tuning of MapReduce jobs using surrogate-based modeling
  • Benchmarking the Performance of Scientific Applications with Irregular I/O at the Extreme Scale
  • Rapid earthquake characterization using MEMS accelerometers and volunteer hosts following the M 7.2 Darfield, New Zealand, earthquake
  • Pursuing coordinated trajectory progression and efficient resource utilization of GPU-enabled molecular dynamics simulations
  • In situ data analytics and indexing of protein trajectories
  • PRIONN: Predicting Runtime and IO using Neural Networks
  • Message from the General Chair
  • Performance characterization of irregular I/O at the extreme scale
  • Special Issue on Cluster Computing
  • Network Quality of Service in Docker Containers
  • Modeling the Next-Generation High Performance Schedulers
  • AsHES'15 Keynote Speaker - The numerical reproducibility fair trade: Facing the concurrency challenges at the extreme scale
  • Dynamic CPU Resource Allocation in Containerized Cloud Environments
  • A Two-Tiered Approach to I/O Quality of Service in Docker Containers
  • Who is Afraid of I/O?
  • HiCOMB 2015 Keynote and Invited Talks
  • On the Need for Reproducible Numerical Accuracy through Intelligent Runtime Selection of Reduction Algorithms at the Extreme Scale
  • Accurate Scoring of Drug Conformations at the Extreme Scale
  • Data analytics for modeling soil moisture patterns across united states ecoclimatic domains
  • Scheduling Matters: Area-Oriented Heuristic for Resource Management
  • Scalable I/O-Aware Job Scheduling for Burst Buffer Enabled HPC Clusters
  • Using surrogate-based modeling to predict optimal I/O parameters of applications at the extreme scale
  • HYPPO: A Hybrid, Piecewise Polynomial Modeling Technique for Non-Smooth Surfaces
  • Applying frequency analysis techniques to dag-based workflows to benchmark and predict resource behavior on non-dedicated clusters
  • Enabling In-Situ Data Analysis for Large Protein-Folding Trajectory Datasets
  • Bloomfish: A Highly Scalable Distributed K-mer Counting Framework
  • Study of Neocortex Simulations with GENESIS on High Performance Computing Resources
  • High Performance Computing
  • Free energetics of carbon nanotube association in aqueous inorganic NaI salt solutions: Temperature effects using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations
  • Enabling scalable and accurate clustering of distributed ligand geometries on supercomputers
  • Providing Quality of Science in Volunteer Computing
  • Rolling partial prefix-sums to speedup evaluation of uniform and affine recurrence equations
  • FENZI: GPU-Enabled Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Large Membrane Regions Based on the CHARMM Force Field and PME
  • Challenges in designing scheduling policies in volunteer computing
  • A dynamic programming algorithm for finding the optimal segmentation of an RNA sequence in secondary structure predictions
  • Performance impact of I/O on QMCPack simulations at the petascale and beyond
  • Workshop on desktop grids and volunteer computing systems - PCGrid
  • Evaluation of several two-step scoring functions based on linear interaction energy, effective ligand size, and empirical pair potentials for prediction of protein-ligand binding geometry and free energy
  • Performance prediction and analysis of BOINC projects: An empirical study with EmBOINC
  • MNEMONIC: A network environment for automatic optimization and tuning of data movement over advanced networks
  • Enhancement of accuracy and efficiency for RNA secondary structure prediction by sequence segmentation and MapReduce
  • A scalable and accurate method for classifying protein-ligand binding geometries using a MapReduce approach
  • Hierarchical fractional-step approximations and parallel kinetic Monte Carlo algorithms
  • ExSciTecH: Expanding volunteer computing to explore science, technology, and health
  • Message from the workshop chairs
  • A modularized MapReduce framework to support RNA secondary structure prediction and analysis workflows
  • On the powerful use of simulations in the Quake-Catcher Network to efficiently position low-cost earthquake sensors
  • Towards large-scale molecular dynamics simulations on graphics processors
  • Balancing scientist needs and volunteer preferences in volunteer computing using constraint optimization
  • PseudoBase++: An extension of PseudoBase for easy searching, formatting and visualization of pseudoknots
  • Molecular dynamics simulations of aqueous ions at the liquid-vapor interface accelerated using graphics processors
  • On the powerful use of simulations in the quake-catcher network to efficiently position low-cost earthquake sensors
  • Special issue of computer communications on information and future communication security
  • IPDPS 2009 - Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium: Message from the workshop chairs
  • On the effectiveness of application-aware self-management for scientific discovery in volunteer computing systems
  • Computational multiscale modeling in protein - Ligand docking
  • Structural, dynamic, and electrostatic properties of fully hydrated DMPC bilayers from molecular dynamics simulations accelerated with graphical processing units (GPUs)
  • A 3′ terminal stem-loop structure in Nodamura virus RNA2 forms an essential cis-acting signal for RNA replication
  • Simulating application resilience at exascale
  • On the cost of a general GPU framework: The strange case of CUDA 4.0 vs. CUDA 5.0
  • Performance impact of dynamic parallelism on different clustering algorithms
  • Computer-Aided Design of Drugs on Emerging Hybrid High Performance Computers
  • GPU-Enabled Macromolecular Simulation: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Modeling Job Lifespan Delays in Volunteer Computing Projects
  • EmBOINC: An emulator for performance analysis of BOINC projects
  • Improving numerical reproducibility and stability in large-scale numerical simulations on GPUs
  • Parallelization of tau-leap coarse-grained Monte Carlo simulations on GPUs
  • On the Effectiveness of Rebuilding RNA Secondary Structures from Sequence Chunks
  • Performance Dissection of a Molecular Dynamics Code across CUDA and GPU Generations
  • A distributed evolutionary method to design scheduling policies for volunteer computing
  • Efficient SDS Simulations on Multi-GPU Nodes of XSEDE High-End Clusters
  • Benchmarking Gender Differences in Volunteer Computing Projects
  • Automatic selection of near-native protein-ligand conformations using a hierarchical clustering and volunteer computing
  • Accelerating HMMER on GPUs by implementing hybrid data and task parallelism
  • Dealing with performance/portability and performance/accuracy trade-offs in heterogeneous computing systems: a case study with matrix multiplication modulo primes
  • Reengineering High-throughput Molecular Datasets for Scalable Clustering Using MapReduce
  • Secondary structure predictions for long RNA sequences based on inversion excursions
  • Secondary Structure Predictions for Long RNA Sequences Based on Inversion Excursions and MapReduce
  • Poster
  • On Efficiently Capturing Scientific Properties in Distributed Big Data without Moving the Data: A Case Study in Distributed Structural Biology Using MapReduce
  • Topaz: Extending Firefox to Accommodate the GridFTP Protocol
  • SimBA: A Discrete Event Simulator for Performance Prediction of Volunteer Computing Projects
  • Characterizing and evaluating desktop grids: an empirical study
  • Implementation and characterization of protein folding on a desktop computational grid. Is CHARMM a suitable candidate for the United Devices MetaProcessor?
  • DGMonitor: A performance monitoring tool for sandbox-based desktop grid platforms
  • Study of a highly accurate and fast protein-ligand docking algorithm based on molecular dynamics
  • Characterizing and evaluating desktop grids: An empirical study
  • Evaluation of IEEE 754 floating-point arithmetic compliance across a wide range of heterogeneous computers
  • Scalability and resource usage of an OLAP benchmark on clusters of PCs
  • PredictorΗome: A "protein structure prediction supercomputer" based on global computing
  • compPknots: A framework for parallel prediction and comparison of RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots
  • Metrics for effective resource management in global computing environments
  • Moving volunteer computing towards knowledge-constructed, dynamically-adaptive modeling and scheduling
  • DGMonitor: A performance monitoring tool for sandbox-based desktop grid platforms
  • Study of a highly accurate and fast protein-ligand docking method based on molecular dynamics
  • Combining task- and data parallelism to speed up protein folding on a desktop grid platform
  • On the migration of the scientific code Dyana from SMPs to clusters of PCs and on to the grid
  • The computational chemistry prototyping environment
  • Accurate Performance Evaluation, Modelling and Prediction of a Message Passing Simulation Code based on Middleware
  • Molecular dynamics simulations on Cray clusters using the SCIDDLE-PVM environment
  • Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Cray Clusters using the SCIDDLE-PVM environment
  • Study of a highly accurate and fast protein-ligand docking algorithm based on molecular dynamics
  • Poster reception---SimBA
  • Towards Optimal Scheduling for Global Computing under Probabilistic, Interval, and Fuzzy Uncertainty, with Potential Applications to Bioinformatics
  • A performance monitor based on virtual global time for clusters of PCs
  • DGMonitor: a performance monitoring tool for sandbox-based desktop grid platforms
  • Performance characterization of a molecular dynamics code on PC clusters: is there any easy parallelism in CHARMM?
  • A systematic multi-step methodology for performance analysis of communication traces of distributed applications based on hierarchical clustering
  • RNAVLab: A unified environment for computational RNA structure analysis based on grid computing technology
  • Homogeneous Redundancy: a Technique to Ensure Integrity of Molecular Simulation Results Using Public Computing
  • Predictor@Home: A "Protein Structure Prediction Supercomputer" Based on Public-Resource Computing
  • The Effectiveness of Threshold-Based Scheduling Policies in BOINC Projects
  • Design Concerns for Integrated Scripting and Interactive Visualization in Notebook Environments
  • NSDF-Services: Integrating Networking, Storage, and Computing Services into a Testbed for Democratization of Data Delivery
  • Enhancing Scientific Research with FAIR Digital Objects in the National Science Data Fabric
  • HPC and Cloud Convergence Beyond Technical Boundaries: Strategies for Economic Sustainability, Standardization, and Data Accessibility
  • Reproducing the Results for Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer Observation of PSR J0030 + 0451

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Co-workers & collaborators

Rodrigo Vargas

Rodrigo Vargas

Paula Olaya

Paula Olaya

Michela Taufer's public data