Contact : Vegetation ecologist by training, my personal and research interests revolve around better understanding plant relationship with biodiversity and environmental changes in order to implement better conservation and restoration policies. I have a strong academic background in ecosystems functioning, functional ecology and plant architecture. During my MSc and Ph.D., I studied the response of multiple species morpho-anatomical and physiological functional traits to drought tolerance. It allowed me to explore environmental filtering processes and more precisely, the role of species hydrological niche in the assemblage of plant communities. During this period, I used various ecological and statistical tools, supervised and trained students and interns, in addition to general lab management responsibilities (lab meeting, scientific discussions).


  • Kattge, J, Bönisch, G, Díaz, S, et al. (2020). TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access. Glob Change Biol. ; 26: 119– 188.
  • Belluau M, Shipley B. (2018). Linking hard and soft traits: Physiology, morphology and anatomy interact to determine habitat affinities to soil water availability in herbaceous dicots. PLoS ONE, 13(3).
  • Shipley B, Belluau M, Kühn I, Soudzilovskaia N, Bahn M, Peñuelas J, Kattge J, Sack L, CavenderBares J, Ozinga WA, Blonder B, van Bodegom PM, Manning P, Hickler T, Sosinski E, De Patta Pillar V, Alegre P, Onipchenko V. (2017). Predicting habitat affinities of plant species using commonly measured functional traits. Journal of Vegetation Science, 28, 1082-1095.
  • Belluau M, Shipley B. (2017). Predicting habitat affinities of herbaceous dicots to soil wetness based on physiological traits of drought tolerance. Annals of Botany. 119(6) :1073-1084.
  • Vile D, Pervent M, Belluau M, Vasseur F, Bresson J, Muller B, Granier C, Simonneau T. (2011). Arabidopsis growth under prolonged high temperature and water deficit: independent or interactive effects? Plant Cell and Environment 35(4) : 702-718.

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Orane Mordacq


Orane Mordacq

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