
Mattia Falaschi


  • Continental-scale determinants of population trends in European amphibians and reptiles
  • Eco-geographical determinants of the evolution of ornamentation in vipers
  • Invasive Species and Amphibian Conservation
  • Statistical methodology for the evaluation of leukocyte data in wild reptile populations: A case study with the common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis)
  • Reversing a downward trend in threatened peripheral amphibian (Triturus cristatus) populations through interventions combining species, habitat and genetic information
  • Long‐term drivers of persistence and colonization dynamics in spatially structured amphibian populations
  • Determinants of zoogeographical boundaries differ between vertebrate groups
  • Data sharing among protected areas shows advantages in habitat suitability modelling performance
  • Close encounters of the three morphs: Does color affect aggression in a polymorphic lizard?
  • How the South was won: current and potential range expansion of the crested porcupine in Southern Italy
  • Phenology and temperature are the main drivers shaping the detection probability of the common wall lizard
  • Lockdown policy effects on invasive species: a perspective
  • Do Salamanders Limit the Abundance of Groundwater Invertebrates in Subterranean Habitats?
  • A framework for prioritising present and potentially invasive mammal species for a national list
  • Thirty years of invasion: the distribution of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii in Italy
  • Network‐scale effects of invasive species on spatially‐structured amphibian populations
  • Modelling the potential spread of the Red-billed Leiothrix Leiothrix lutea in Italy
  • Mirrored images but not silicone models trigger aggressive responses in male Common wall lizards
  • Biogeographical structure and endemism pattern in reptiles of the Western Palearctic
  • Electric circuit theory applied to alien invasions: a connectivity model predicting the Balkan frog expansion in Northern Italy
  • Estimating abundance and habitat suitability in a micro-endemic snake: the Walser viper
  • The Early Season Community of Flower-Visiting Arthropods in a High-Altitude Alpine Environment
  • Assessing Population Trends of Species with Imperfect Detection: Double Count Analyses and Simulations Confirm Reliable Estimates in Brown Frogs
  • Reptlslands: Mediterranean islands and the distribution of their reptile fauna
  • Condition- and context-dependent variation of sexual dimorphism across lizard populations at different spatial scales
  • Patterns of Performance Variation Between Animal Hybrids and their Parents: A Meta-analysis
  • Spatial ecology of crested porcupine in a metropolitan landscape
  • Similar species, different fates: Abundance dynamics in spatially structured populations of common and threatened frogs
  • High habitat invasibility unveils the invasiveness potential of water frogs
  • Explaining declines of newt abundance in northern Italy
  • Maps of area of habitat for Italian amphibians and reptiles
  • All that changes is not shift: methodological choices influence niche shift detection in freshwater invasive species
  • Alien parakeets as a potential threat to the common noctule Nyctalus noctula
  • , development rate, egg size, parental investment, Procambarus clarkii, Rana latastei, rapid evolution
  • Spatial ecology of the invasive Asian common toad in Madagascar and its implications for invasion dynamics
  • Decline and Extinction of the Italian Agile Frog Rana latastei from Core Areas of Its Range

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Co-workers & collaborators

Gentile Francesco Ficetola

Gentile Francesco Ficetola

Elia Lo Parrino

Elia Lo Parrino

Raoul Manenti

Milano, Italy

Raoul Manenti

Mattia Falaschi's public data