Hi, I’m Matteo, and I am an ecologist. I study how organisms interact with their environment to shape the world around them. My research focuses on how energy, matter, and information shape the relationships between living beings and their environment. Using a mix of empirical and theoretical approaches, I work to expand models of ecosystem functioning. I do this by measuring exchanges of matter, energy, and information between organisms and their environment, and by developing new theoretical models to predict how these exchanges shape ecosystems. Through my research, I aim to expand our knowledge of how ecosystems work, ultimately improving how we predict and mitigate the impact of human activities on our planet.


  • Rizzuto, M., Carbone, C., & Pawar, S. (2018). Foraging constraints reverse the scaling of activity time in carnivores. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2(2), 247–253. doi:10.1038/s41559-017-0386-1
  • Rizzuto, M., Leroux, S.J., Vander Wal, E., Wiersma, Y.F., Heckford, T.R., Balluffi- Fry, J. (2019) Patterns and potential drivers of intraspecific variability in the body C, N, and P composition of a terrestrial vertebrate, the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus). Ecology and Evolution 9(24), 14453–14464. DOI:
  • Balluffi-Fry, J., Leroux, S.J., Wiersma, Y.F., Heckford, T.R., Rizzuto, M., Richmond, I.C., Vander Wal, E. (2020) Quantity-quality trade-offs revealed using a multiscale test of herbivore resource selection on elemental landscapes. Ecology and Evolution 10(24), 13847–13859. DOI:
  • Richmond, I.C., Leroux, S.J., Vander Wal, E., Heckford, T.R., Rizzuto, M., Balluffi-Fry, J., Kennah, J., Wiersma, Y.F. (2020) Temporal variation and its drivers in the elemental traits of four boreal plant species. Journal of Plant Ecology 14(3), 398– 413. DOI:
  • Ellis-Soto, D., Ferraro, K.M., Rizzuto, M., Briggs, E., Monk, J.D., and Schmitz, O.J. (2021) A methodological roadmap to quantify animal-vectored spatial ecosystem subsidies. Journal of Animal Ecology 90(7), 1605–1622. DOI:
  • Rizzuto, M., Leroux, S.J., Vander Wal, E., Richmond, I.C., Heckford, T.R., Balluffi-Fry, J., Wiersma, Y.F. (2021) Forage stoichiometry predicts the home range size of a small terrestrial herbivore. Oecologia 197(2), 327–338. DOI:
  • Heckford, T.R., Leroux, S.J., Vander Wal, E., Rizzuto, M., Balluffi-Fry, J., Richmond, I.C., Wiersma, Y.F. (2021) Spatially explicit correlates of plant functional traits inform landscape patterns of resource quality. Landscape Ecology 37, 59–80. DOI:
  • Richmond, I.C., Balluffi-Fry, J., Vander Wal, E., Leroux, S.J., Rizzuto, M., Heckford, T.R., Kennah, J.L., Riefesel, G.R., Wiersma, Y.F. (2021) Individual snowshoe hares manage risk differently: Integrating stoichiometric distribution models and foraging ecology. Journal of Mammalogy 103(1), 196–208. DOI:
  • Balluffi-Fry, J., Leroux, S.J., Wiersma, Y.F., Richmond, I.C., Heckford, T.R., Rizzuto, M., Kennah, J.L., Vander Wal, E. (2021) Integrating plant stoichiometry and feeding experiments: state-dependent forage choice and its implications on body mass. Oecologia, 198(3), 579–591. DOI:
  • Little, C.J., Rizzuto, M., Luhring, T.M., Monk, J.D., Nowicki, R.J., Paseka, R.E., Stegen, J.C., Symons, C.C., Taub, F.B., Yan, J.D.L. (2022) Movement with Meaning: Integrating Information into Meta-Ecology. Oikos 2022: e08892. DOI:
  • Heckford,T.R.,Leroux,S.J.,VanderWal,E.,Rizzuto,M.,Balluffi‐Fry,J.,Richmond,I.C.,Wiersma,Y.F. (2022). Ecoregion and community structure influences on the foliar elemental niche of balsam fir ( Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) and white birch ( Betula papyrifera Marshall). Ecology and Evolution 12, e9244. DOI:
  • Animal-vectored nutrient flows across resource gradients influence the nature of local and meta-ecosystem functioning. bioRxiv preprint:
  • Rewiring the carbon cycle: a theoretical framework for animal-driven ecosystem carbon sequestration
  • Integrating ecosystem and contaminant models to predict the effects of ecosystem fluxes on contaminant dynamics
  • Animal-vectored nutrient flows across resource gradients influence the nature of local and meta-ecosystem functioning
  • Movement with meaning: integrating information into meta-ecology
  • Rewiring the Carbon Cycle: A Theoretical Framework for Animal‐Driven Ecosystem Carbon Sequestration

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Co-workers & collaborators

Shawn Leroux

Shawn Leroux

Yolanda Wiersma

Yolanda Wiersma

Travis Heckford

Travis Heckford

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