
Mathilde Chomel


  • Sylviculture intensive en région boréale : impact de la mixité des essences sur le processus de décomposition des litières et le stockage de carbone
  • Home Field Advantage of Litter Decomposition in Pure and Mixed Plantations Under Boreal Climate
  • Allelochemicals of Pinus halepensis as Drivers of Biodiversity in Mediterranean Open Mosaic Habitats During the Colonization Stage of Secondary Succession
  • Secondary metabolites ofPinus halepensisalter decomposer organisms and litter decomposition during afforestation of abandoned agricultural zones
  • Plant secondary metabolites: a key driver of litter decomposition and soil nutrient cycling
  • Using plant, microbe and soil fauna traits to improve the predictive power of biogeochemical models
  • Non-additive effects of mixing hybrid poplar and white spruce on aboveground and soil carbon storage in boreal plantations
  • Effect of mixing herbaceous litter with tree litters on decomposition and N release in boreal plantations
  • Drought decreases incorporation of recent plant photosynthate into soil food webs regardless of their trophic complexity
  • Secondary metabolites of Pinus halepensis alter decomposer organisms and litter decomposition during afforestation of abandoned agricultural zones
  • Intensive management disrupts belowground multi-trophic resources transfers in response to drought
  • Are researchers following best storage practices for measuring soil biochemical properties?
  • Soil fungi gene copy numbers and community composition under birch and willow vegetation in girdled and non-girdled plots, subarctic Sweden, 2017-2019
  • Resistance of subarctic soil fungal and invertebrate communities to disruption of below‐ground carbon supply
  • Resistance of subarctic soil fungal and invertebrate communities to disruption of below‐ground carbon supply
  • Intensive grassland management disrupts below-ground multi-trophic resource transfer in response to drought
  • Combatting global grassland degradation
  • #GlobalCollembola - full sample-level database
  • #GlobalCollembola - full sample-level database
  • Land management shapes drought responses of dominant soil microbial taxa across grasslands
  • Soil fauna abundance under birch and willow vegetation in girdled and non-girdled plots, subarctic Sweden, 2019
  • Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails
  • Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails

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Zoë Lindo

Zoë Lindo

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