- Muddying the Waters of the Landing Obligation: How Multi-level Governance Structures Can Obscure Policy Implementation
- Fishing gear transitions: lessons from the Dutch flatfish pulse trawl
- CFP regionalisation : final report
- Duurzame Noordzee kottervisserij in ontwikkeling
- Wat geleerd van twintig jaar onderzoekssamenwerking?
- Commentary 2 to the manifesto for the marine social sciences: applied social science
- Integrating collaborative research in marine science: Recommendations from an evaluation of evolving science‐industry partnerships in Dutch demersal fisheries
- Wat motiveert onze vissers
- Towards a better understanding of fisheries behaviour
- Betrek ook actieve vissers bij visserijbeleid
- Science, subsidies and the politics of the pulse trawl ban in the European Union
- Implementing the Landing Obligation. An Analysis of the Gap Between Fishers and Policy Makers in the Netherlands
- Practical steps toward integrating economic, social and institutional objectives and indicators in fisheries management
- International stakeholder dialogue on pulse fisheries
- De herziening van de technische maatregelen: IMARES legt uit
- Science, partnership and decision support processes in fisheries: sharing experiences and practices and identifying Lessons learnt from an interdisciplinary perspective
- Q&A Europese aanlandplicht visserij
- Advancing Aquatic Ecosystem-Based Management with Full Consideration of the Social-Ecological System
- De bodemberoerende visserij in de Voordelta sinds 2004
- Report of the Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process Marine networking event
- Herziening spieringadvisering
- Vissen bij wisselend tij
- Towards transdisciplinary decision-support processes in fisheries
- Report of the Industry workshop of the MEESO project held on 29 March 2021
- Breaking down barriers
- Marine recreational fisheries-current state and future opportunities
- The compatibility of fishers and scientific surveys
- Forging connections, pursuing social justice
- Conceptualizing coastal and maritime cultural heritage through communities of meaning and participation
- Being able is not necessarily being willing: governance implications of social, policy, and science-related factors influencing uptake of selective gear
- Aiming for the next level of transdisciplinary marine research
- Socio-Technical Approaches are Needed for Innovation in Fisheries
- Beyond métiers
- Stakeholder Participation in Marine Management: The Importance of Transparency and Rules for Participation
- Practical steps toward integrating economic, social and institutional elements in fisheries policy and management
- Changes in fishing behaviour of two fleets under fully documented catch quota management: Same rules, different outcomes
- Integrating fishers' knowledge research in science and management
- Offshore wind farms as potential locations for flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) restoration in the Dutch North Sea
- Keeping Humans in the Ecosystem
- Managing marine socio-ecological systems: Picturing the future
- Monitoring cod catches of the Dutch demersal fleet in 2014
- International stakeholder dialogue on pulse fisheries : report of the second dialogue meeting, Amsterdam, 20 January 2017
- Frame Survey Curaçao’s fishing fleet 2016
- Changes in fishing behaviour of two fleets under fully documented catch quota management: same rules, different outcomes
- Plan van aanpak risicomonitoring Roggenplaatsuppletie
- Change as a permanent condition: A history of transition processes in Dutch North Sea fisheries
- Tools for transitions
- Mission report Tanzania : scoping mission marine fisheries Tanzania
- Transition pathways - analyzing transitions in food systems
- Case study analysis Transition Pathways 2020
- More Than Income Alone: The Anlo-Ewe Beach Seine Fishery in Ghana
- To Define or Not to Define; Implications for the Governability of Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries in the Netherlands
- Creating space for fishermen's livelihoods
- Nachituti's Gift: Economy, Society, and Environment in Central Africa:Nachituti's Gift: Economy, Society, and Environment in Central Africa
- The Cookie monster problem
- Cod monitoring: Results 2014, quarter 3
- Good Practice Guide: Participatory Research in Fisheries Science
- Monitoring of cod catches in Dutch otter trawls and seines
- The value of exchange programs
- Monitoring of cod catches in Dutch otter trawls and seines
- GAP NL: Self-sampling discards
- Fasering discard ban
- De vormgeving van beleid in een Multi-level Governance setting - VIP Rapport
- Memo: Naar een Rijke Visstand - Inventarisatie
- Het ecologisch belang van het Friese Front
- Bridging the gap between science, stakeholders and policy makers
- Technical measures in the Atlantic and the North Sea - working with stakeholders towards meaningful revision; workshop in - depth analysis
- Cod monitoring: Results 2014, quarter 2
- Notitie Evaluatie Proefproject Groepsvorming vergunningen in de Geintegreerde Visserij
- Vergeet de visserij niet (interview met Marloes Kraan)
- Cod monitoring: Results 2014, quarter 4
- Cod monitoring: Results 2015, quarter 1
- Cod monitoring: Results 2014, quarter 1
- Strategisch handelen in zee van onzekerheid (opiniebijdrage)
- Nadruk teveel op techniek en vergunningen: geen blauwdruk voor introductie nieuwe visserijtechniek in Europa
- Visserijbeheer gaat over vissers! MARE-conferentie People and the Sea VI (interview met Marloes Kraan)
- Herziening GVB: gevolgen voor Technische Maatregelen (TM)
- Veel herkenning en overeenkomsten: Canadese vissers op bezoek in Nederland
- Vissers betrekken in onderzoek en beheer: in de toekomst 9 miljard monden te voeden (interview met Marloes Kraan en Floor Quirijns)
- Kritiek op flyshoot als duurzame visvangsttechniek (interview met Marloes Kraan)
- Beleidsondersteunend onderzoek haaien en roggen
- How to dance? The tango of stakeholder involvement in marine governance research
- The interaction triangle as a tool for understanding stakeholder interactions in marine ecosystem based management
- The optimal process of self-sampling in fisheries: Lessons learned in the Netherlandsa
- Ervaringen over onderzoeksamenwerking gedeeld (interview met Marloes Kraan)
- The Canadian Exchange Blog: Bridging the gap over the Atlantic Ocean
- Cod monitoring; results 2015, quarter 3
- Cod monitoring : results 2015, quarter 2
- The Canadian exchange: the return exchange!
- Aanpassingen visserijgedrag en -techniek in de tongvisserij in verband met de aanlandplicht
- Steeds beter beeld van kabeljauw(bij)vangst: monitoring van kabeljauwvangsten in de TR-tuigen (interview met Marloes Kraan)
- Perceptions of European stakeholders of pulse fishing
- Zee op Zicht: Inzicht: Gepubliceerde Literatuur & Verslag slotbijeenkomst
- Zee op Zicht: Inzicht; een zoektocht naar een integraal afwegingskader voor het gebruik van de zee
- Visserijgemeenschappen op de kaart
- Building leaders for the UN Ocean Science Decade
- Creating Space for Fishermen’s Livelihoods: Anlo-Ewe beach seine fishermen's negotiations for livelihood space within multiple governance structures in Ghana (doctoral thesis)
- Stakeholder participatie, betekenisvol of rituele dans?
- Vissersgemeenschappen
- Small-Scale Fisheries in the Netherlands: Fishing on the Margin
- The implementation of ecosystem-based approaches applied to fisheries management under the CFP : final report
- Climate change and the Common Fisheries Policy: adaptation and building resilience to the effects of climate change on fisheries and reducing emissions of greenhouse gases from fishing
- Sociale en culturele waarde van visserij voor de visserijgemeenschap en gevolgen van beleidswijzigingen
- Decommissioning of Wadden Sea shrimp fishing licences : Impact analysis of management measures on the fishery
- Social harvest control rules for sustainable fisheries
- Decommissioning of the Dutch cutter sector : Impact analysis of management measures on the fishery
- “Sustainability is not a vegan coffee shop.” Eliciting citizen attitudes and perspectives to localize the UN sustainable development goals
- Report of the extreme outcomes and social-ecological system workshop of the MEESO project
- Science governs the future of the mesopelagic zone
- Report of the MEESO modelling workshop held on 21 June 2022
- Global patterns of management and governance of small-scale fisheries: contributions to the implementation of the SSF Guideline
- Report on key drivers and impacts of changes in spatial distribution of fisheries and fished stocks
- SEAwise Report on consistency of existing targets and limits for indicators in an ecosystem context
- SEAwise report on fisher behaviour submodules
- Fishers’ willingness to report incidental bycatches of endangered, threatened and protected fish species
- Working Group on Social Indicators (WGSOCIAL; outputs from 2023 meeting)
- Electrotrawling can improve the sustainability of the bottom trawl fishery for sole: a review of the evidence
- Quickscan kortetermijngevolgen verlaging tongquotum voor Nederlandse visserij
- Selectief vissen belonen : Een verkenning van mogelijke beloonsystemen voor vrijwillig gebruik van selectiviteitsmaatregelen in de Nederlandse visserij
- Working Group on Electrical Trawling (WGELECTRA; outputs from 2023 meeting)
- ’Vissers bij onderzoek betrokken’
- Science is not enough
- Waarde (zoek)gebieden wind op zee voor de visserij : Inzicht in de sociaal-economische waarde van gebieden, die geïdentificeerd zijn in de Partiële Herziening van het Programma Noordzee 2022-2027, voor de Nederlandse visserij
- Scientific Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF)