

  • Benefits of alignment quality-control processing steps and an Angiosperms353 phylogenomics pipeline applied to the Celastrales
  • The relative performance of indel-coding methods in simulations
  • Ten Rules for Associate Editors
  • Employing Two-stage Derivatisation and GC-MS to Assay for Cathine and Related Stimulant Alkaloids across the Celastraceae
  • Mutually exclusive phylogenomic inferences at the root of the angiosperms: Amborella is supported as sister and Observed Variability is biased
  • Cryptic species diversity reveals biogeographic support for the 'mountain passes are higher in the tropics' hypothesis
  • Gene-tree misrooting drives conflicts in phylogenomic coalescent analyses of palaeognath birds
  • ILS-Aware Analysis of Low-Homoplasy Retroelement Insertions: Inference of Species Trees and Introgression Using Quartets
  • Narrow thermal tolerance and low dispersal drive higher speciation in tropical mountains
  • Adenine center dot cytosine substitutions are an alternative pathway of compensatory mutation in angiosperm ITS2
  • Co-variation in methanotroph community composition and activity in three temperate grassland soils
  • Thistle be a mess: Untangling the taxonomy of Cirsium (Cardueae: Compositae) in North America
  • Divergence and support among slightly suboptimal likelihood gene trees
  • Transcriptome-wide comparison of selenium hyperaccumulator and nonaccumulator Stanleya species provides new insight into key processes mediating the hyperaccumulation syndrome
  • Clonal Diversity, Cultivar Traits, Geographic Dispersal, and the Ethnotaxonomy of Cultivated Qat (Catha edulis, Celastraceae)
  • Systematics of New World Maytenus (Celastraceae) and a New Delimitation of the Genus
  • Ten Simple Rules for Writing a Reply Paper
  • Collapsing dubiously resolved gene-tree branches in phylogenomic coalescent analyses
  • Linear Plasmids and the Rate of Sequence Evolution in Plant Mitochondrial Genomes
  • Resolution of a concatenation/coalescence kerfuffle: partitioned coalescence support and a robust family-level tree for Mammalia
  • Pleurostylia serrulata and Two Allied New Species from Africa are Actually Members of the New World Crossopetalum (Celastraceae)
  • The Complete Plastid Genome of Lagerstroemia fauriei and Loss of rpl2 Intron from Lagerstroemia (Lythraceae)
  • Mitochondrial fatty acid beta-oxidation is required for storage-lipid catabolism in a marine diatom
  • New Guinea has the world's richest island flora
  • Gene-wise resampling outperforms site-wise resampling in phylogenetic coalescence analyses
  • Coalescence vs. concatenation: Sophisticated analyses vs. first principles applied to rooting the angiosperms
  • Partitioned coalescence support reveals biases in species-tree methods and detects gene trees that determine phylogenomic conflicts
  • Relative benefits of amino-acid, codon, degeneracy, DNA, and purine-pyrimidine character coding for phylogenetic analyses of exons
  • Biases of tree-independent-character-subsampling methods
  • Alternative analyses of compensatory base changes in an ITS2 phylogeny of Corydalis (Papaveraceae)
  • Biogeography of the Malagasy Celastraceae: Multiple independent origins followed by widespread dispersal of genera from Madagascar
  • Phylogeography of the wild and cultivated stimulant plant qat (Catha edulis, Celastraceae ) in areas of historical cultivation
  • The effects of subsampling gene trees on coalescent methods applied to ancient divergences
  • Transcriptome-wide comparison of selenium hyperaccumulator and nonaccumulator Stanleya species provides new insight into key processes mediating the hyperaccumulation syndrome

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John Gatesy

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