- Book Review: Governing the Use of Force in International Relations: The Post 9/11 Challenge on International Law by Aiden Warren and Ingvild Bode
- Uses and Gratifications of Selected Social Network Services: Study of Lahore Youth
- Book Review: Disconnected: Youth, New Media and the Ethics Gap by Carrie James and Henry Jenkins
- Frames for United Nations Climate Change Conference 2015 Comparison of Elite Dawn and Popular Jang Newspapers Evidence from Pakistan
- Impact of Daily and Weekly Time Patterns on Perceived Problematic Facebook Usage: Cross-Sectional Survey of University Students in Lahore
- Educational Motives versus Perceived Educational Consequences of Facebook Usage among University Students
- Facebook Use for Political Motives: Difference in Time Patterns and Student Demographics
- Facebook Usage for Religious Motives: Difference in Time Patterns and Demographics
- Motives as Predictors of Facebook Usage Mediated by Gender: Case Study of University Students in Lahore
- Social Media Usage Patterns among University Students In Urban Lahore
- Portrayal of Pakistan Electronic Crimes Act in Leading Liberal Dailies of Pakistan
- Media, interpersonal communication, personal characteristics and online participation for climate change: structural equation modelling to determine digital discourse in Pakistan
- Study of Multiple Information Sources, Social Categories and Perceptions regarding COVID19 in Pakistan
- Criticism and Attribution of Responsibility: Faming in Leading Newspapers of Pakistan for Climate Change
- Communicating Climate Risk Effectively? Editorial Coverage of Climate Change in Leading Urdu Language Newspapers from September 2018 to August 2021
- Exploring the Complexity of Feminist Beliefs: Gender, Education, and Mother's Work Status as Predictors
- Climate Change and University Students Traditional Media, New Media, and Interpersonal Communication Sought for Obtaining Informational Gratifications
- Online News Displaces Print Newspaper: Media Students' Preferences and Perceptions
- Antecedents to Problematic Facebook Use: A Case Study of University Students in Pakistan
- Discrepancy in Uses and Gratifications for Smartphone and their Effects on Online Socialization Patterns among University Youth
- Motives for Smartphone Use as Predictors of Absent Presence Situations in Pakistan
- Balancing news? Framing of threat and efficacy in leading Pakistani newspapers’ coverage of climate change
- Disconnected: Youth, New Media and the Ethics Gap
- Governing the Use of Force in International Relations: The Post 9/11 US Challenge on International Law