
Lynn Pickerell

Lecturer (L - Social Studies)

Lincoln, UK

I am an early career researcher with an interest in emotions and emotion regulation strategies. I have previously worked in the criminal justice system, delivering accredited offending behaviour programmes and managing victim and witness support services. Working in this field highlighted the health and social benefits of having good emotion control strategies and the advantages of developing these strategies in childhood. My current research aims to develop a deeper understanding of the impact of emotions on our experiences in education and how we can develop more awareness of our emotions and their impacts. I am also interested in the effects of mindfulness as a way to create metacognitive awareness and self-reflection.


  • Motivating Students To Access Support Services In Higher Education: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective.
  • Systematic review to explore the effectiveness of school-based mindfulness and CBT-based programmes to improve emotional regulation in 7-11 year olds
  • Can emotion regulation in primary school children be improved by a cost-effective intervention?
  • Developing an intervention to improve emotion regulation in primary school children
  • The Effectiveness of School-Based Mindfulness and Cognitive Behavioural Programmes to Improve Emotional Regulation in 7–12-Year-Olds: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
  • First‐year students' achievement emotions at university: A cluster analytic approach to understand variability in attendance and attainment

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