
Luis Javier Galindo


  • HMGA2 and MED12 alterations frequently co-occur in uterine leiomyomas
  • Evolutionary genomics of Metchnikovella incurvata (Metchnikovellidae), an early branching microsporidium
  • Combined cultivation and single-cell approaches to the phylogenomics of nucleariid amoebae, close relatives of fungi
  • Ancient Adaptive Lateral Gene Transfers in the Symbiotic Opalina - Blastocystis Stramenopile Lineage
  • Environmental drivers of plankton protist communities along latitudinal and vertical gradients in the oldest and deepest freshwater lake
  • Phylogenomics of a new fungal phylum reveals multiple waves of reductive evolution across Holomycota
  • A phylogenetic and proteomic reconstruction of eukaryotic chromatin evolution
  • A light-sensing system in the common ancestor of the fungi
  • A phylogenetic and proteomic reconstruction of eukaryotic chromatin evolution
  • Phylogenomics Supports the Monophyly of Aphelids and Fungi and Identifies New Molecular Synapomorphies
  • A Genome Sequence Assembly of the Phototactic and Optogenetic Model Fungus Blastocladiella emersonii Reveals a Diversified Nucleotide-Cyclase Repertoire
  • Expanding the molecular and morphological diversity of Apusomonadida, a deep‐branching group of gliding bacterivorous protists
  • Fungal zoospores show contrasting swimming patterns specific to phylum and cytology
  • Maturases and Group II Introns in the Mitochondrial Genomes of the Deepest Jakobid Branch
  • Molecular and morphological characterisation of four new ancyromonad genera and proposal for an updated taxonomy of the Ancyromonadida
  • Molecular and morphological characterization of four new ancyromonad genera and proposal for an updated taxonomy of the Ancyromonadida
  • One high quality genome and two transcriptome datasets for new species of Mantamonas, a deep-branching eukaryote clade
  • One high-quality genome and two transcriptome datasets for two new species of Mantamonas, a deep-branching eukaryote clade
  • 101 flagellate phylogenomics data
  • 101 flagellate phylogenomics data
  • Raw confocal images chytrid zoospore fungi
  • Nile Red Staining (Be)
  • Code + Tracked Data
  • Drug Trials
  • Control

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Co-workers & collaborators

Guifré Torruella


Guifré Torruella

Jasmine Nirody

Jasmine Nirody

Guy Leonard

Postdoctoral Fellow in Bioinformatics - Living Systems Institute

Guy Leonard

Luis Javier Galindo's public data