Lorcan Dempsey
Professor of Practice, Information School, University of Washington (Information and computing sciences)
Columbus, Ohio
- The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Service, and Networks2015 4 Edited by K.J. Varnum The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Service, and Networks London Facet Publishing 2014 285pp. 978-1-78330-041-9
- Report from the Usage Dimensions of Open Workgroup
- Academic library futures in a diversified university system
- The 2003 OCLC environmental scan : pattern recognition : a report to the OCLC membership
- Understanding the Collective Collection: Towards a System-wide Perspective on Library Print Collections
- The Emergence of the Collective Collection
- Thirteen Ways of Looking at Libraries, Discovery, and the Catalog: Scale, Workflow, Attention
- What is the most popular Irish book?
- Comment
- The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Services, and Networks2015 6 by Lorcan Dempsey Edited by Kenneth J.Varnum The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Services, and Networks London Facet 2014 295 pp. ISBN978-1-78330-041-9 £44.95 soft cover
- The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Services, and Networks2015 4 By Lorcan Dempsey Edited by Kenneth J.Varnum The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Services, and Networks London Facet Publishing 2014 295 pp. ISBN9781783300419 £44.95 (paperback)
- The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Services, and Networks
- The internet, networking and the public library
- Networking and the future of libraries 2 : managing the intellectual record : an International Conference held at the University of Bath, 19-21 April 1995
- Libraries, networks and OSI : a review, with a report on North American developments
- Bibliographic access in Europe : first international conference : the proceedings of a conference organised by the Centre for Bibliographic Management and held at the University of Bath, 14-17 September 1989
- Scientific information supply - Building networked information systems
- Information landscapes for a learning society : an international conference held at the University of Bath, 29 June-1 July 1998
- Libraries, networks, and OSI : a review, with a report on North American developments
- Making work data harder
- Intermediate consumers
- Library, the catalogue, the broker: brokering access to information in the hybrid library
- Community networking: Development, potentials and implications for public libraries
- What collaboration means to me: library collection is hard; effective collaboration is harder
- Library bibliographic networks in Europe : a LIBER directory
- Operationalizing the BIG collective collection
- Community networking
- Thirteen ways of looking at libraries, discovery and the catalogue: scale, workflow, attention
- Foreword: Library Discovery Directions
- Reflections on Collective Collections
- Thirteen Ways of Looking at Libraries, Discovery, and the Catalog: Scale, Workflow, Attention
- Collection Directions: The Evolution of Library Collections and Collecting
- Towards distributed library systems: Z39.50 in a European context
- Clumps or ... organised access to printed scholarly material: outcomes from the third MODELS workshop
- The library, the catalogue, the broker: Brokering access to information in the hybrid library
- The library and information commission public library internet survey: First public report (december 1995)
- The emergence of distributed library services: A European perspective
- A Distributed National Electronic Resource? MODELS workshop 6 report, 5–6 February 1998, Bath
- Panel 1: Continuity and Change in University Scholarship
- Libraries and the informational future: Some notes
- A platform publication for a time of accelerating change
- The Warwick Metadata Workshop: A framework for the deployment of resource description
- ROADS to desire: Some UK and other European metadata and resource discovery projects
- Review of "The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Services, and Networks," by Lorcan Dempsey
- A Review of "The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Services, and Networks"
- Library Places and Digital Information Spaces: Reflections on Emerging Network Services
- Art and the Internet: some notes on resources and trends
- The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on Libraries, Services and Networks
- Library collections in the life of the user: two directions
- DEMPSEY, Lorcan and VARNUM, Kenneth J. The Network Reshapes the Library: Lorcan Dempsey on libraries, services and networks. London: Facet. 2014.
- Thirteen Ways of Looking at...Digital Preservation
- The public library and the Information Superhighway
- Summary of NREN views and data
- A Service Framework for Libraries
- The subject gateway: experiences and issues based on the emergence of the Resource Discovery Network
- Comment
- ROADS to Desire
- Users' requirements of bibliographic records: publishers, booksellers, librarians
- International Information Gateway Collaboration
- Libraries and the Long Tail
- Scientific information supply — Building networked information systems
- Beyond 1923
- RSLP Collection Description
- Networks, standards and end-user information services
- Always on: Libraries in a world of permanent connectivity
- Managing access to a distributed library resource: report from the fifth MODELS workshop
- Metadata: a current view of practice and issues
- Anatomy of Aggregate Collections
- Reconfiguring the Library Systems Environment
- A utopian place of criticism? brokering access to network information
- US information infrastructure
- The Recombinant Library
- Bibliographic records : use of data elements in the book world
- Influencing the system designer : online public access to library files : third national conference : the proceedings of a conference held at the University of Bath, 12-15 September 1987