Laurence Douny
Research associate (Human society; Indigenous studies; Language, communication and culture; History, heritage and archaeology; Environmental sciences)
Berlin, Germany
Laurence Douny is a Social Anthropologist who specialises in the anthropology and history of materials and techniques with a focus on West African wild silks and natural dyes. She is a research associate at the cluster 'Matters of Activity. Image Space Material', at Humboldt University, Berlin. She is also a research member of the ANR WILDSILKS (CNRS, EHESS, CASE) in Paris and a member of the steering committee ArtBioMatters (ABM), a cross-disciplinary hub for biological materials research in cultural heritage (The MET, NYU), New York.
- Living in a Landscape of Scarcity
- The hunter shirt: the role of Acacia nilotica in fermentative textile dyeing
- Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Culture
- Wild Silk Textiles of the Dogon of Mali: The Production, Material Efficacy, and Cultural Significance of Sheen
- The Materiality of Domestic Waste
- Connecting Worlds through Silk: The Cosmological Significance of Sheen in West African Talismanic Magic
- Silk-embroidered garments as transformative processes: layering, inscribing and displaying Hausa material identities
- Des insectes, des matières et des femmes :
- The Material Agency of West African Wild Silk
- Editorial
- From Pits to Pots: Indigo Dyeing Traditions of the Maranse of Burkina Faso
- 7. The Commodification of Authenticity: Performing and Displaying Dogon Material Identity
- Wild Silk Textiles of the Dogon People of Mali: Wrapping and Unwrapping Material Identities
- V̂etements de prestige : techniques de production et motifs en Afrique de l\textquoterightOuest
- Wild silk indigo wrappers of Dogon of Mali: An ethnography of materials efficacy and design
- La conservation du mil par la potasse. Vers une épistémologie dogon des matières
- Wild Silk Textiles of the Dogon of Mali: The Production, Material Efficacy, and Cultural Significance of Sheen’
- The role of earth shrines in the socio-symbolic construction of the Dogon territory: towards a philosophy of containment
- Dans la Trajectoire des Choses
- Technologies
- Conserving Millet with Potash : Towards a Dogon Epistemology of Materials
- Review of A.C. Dawson (ed.). Shrines in Africa: History, Politics, and Society
- Introduction: Wrapping and Unwrapping, concepts and approaches.
- The material shaping of women subjectivities: Wild-silk textiles of the Marka-Dafing as a cultural heritage
- The Material Subject Rethinking Bodies and Objects in Motion
- The trajectory of a spear
- Subjects, their bodies and their objects
- Slavery Histories from the Hinterland
- Minimal machines: augmented reality for filament-construction of partially ordered systems in architecture
- ‘Wild Silk Textiles of the Dogon of Mali: The Production, Material Efficacy, and Cultural Significance of Sheen’
- Making Animal Materials in Time
- West African Wild Silks Techniques: Preserving Marka-Dafing’s Heritage of Knowledge