- Seeing two faces together: preference formation in humans and rhesus macaques
- Low level constraints on dynamic contour path integration
- Women gaze behaviour in assessing female bodies - the effects of clothing, body size, own body composition and body satisfaction
- Attending at a low intensity increases impulsivity in an auditory SART
- Dog-owners show experience-based viewing behavior in judging dog face approachability
- How does image noise affect actual and predicted human gaze allocation in assessing image quality?
- Face in profile view reduces perceived facial expression intensity: an eye-tracking study
- Facial expression training optimises viewing strategy in children and adults
- Impact of Face Masks and Viewers’ Anxiety on Ratings of First Impressions from Faces
- Visual attention and facial identification in human and non-human animals
- Gaze patterns to child figures reflect deviant sexual preference in child sex offenders – a first glance
- What has been missed for predicting human attention in viewing driving clips?
- Is There an Association between Paw Preference and Emotionality in Pet Dogs?
- Owners’ Beliefs regarding the Emotional Capabilities of Their Dogs and Cats
- Factors contributing to individual differences in facial expression categorization
- Impact of Face Masks on Female Body Perception is Modulated by Facial Expressions
- How Do Dogs Behave When Presented with Situations of Different Emotional Valences?
- The Alleviation of Perceptual Blindness During Driving in Urban Areas Guided by Saccades Recommendation
- Driving Performance Under Violations of Traffic Rules: Novice vs. Experienced Drivers
- Human-Factors-in-Driving-Loop: Driver Identification and Verification via a Deep Learning Approach using Psychological Behavioral Data
- Perception of dynamic facial expressions of emotion between dogs and humans
- ASSP: An adaptive sample statistics-based pooling for full-reference image quality assessment
- Expression-dependent susceptibility to face distortions in processing of facial expressions of emotion
- Public attitudes towards the use of automatic facial recognition technology in criminal justice systems around the world
- What colour should I wear? How clothing colour affects women's judgement of other women's body attractiveness and body size
- Processing time not modality dominates shift costs in the modality-shifting effect
- Bodily emotional expressions are a primary source of information for dogs, but not for humans
- Fear-Related Signals in the Primary Visual Cortex
- Valence-dependent Disruption in Processing of Facial Expressions of Emotion in Early Visual Cortex—A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study
- Gaze patterns in viewing static and dynamic body expressions
- Preference for attractive faces is species-specific.
- Eye Fixation Location Recommendation in Advanced Driver Assistance System
- A comparison of hearing and auditory functioning between dogs and humans
- It Takes One to Know One: Do Human and Nonhuman Primates Share Similar Face Processing?
- Functional performance of the visual system in dogs and humans: A comparative perspective
- Dogs recognize dog and human emotions
- Emotion category-modulated interpretation bias in perceiving ambiguous facial expressions
- Altered pupil responses to social and non-social stimuli in Shank3 mutant dogs
- Left Gaze Bias Between LHT and RHT: A Recommendation Strategy to Mitigate Human Errors in Left- and Right-Hand Driving
- Facial expression modifies female body perception
- Dogs and humans respond to emotionally competent stimuli by producing different facial actions
- Mouth-licking by dogs as a response to emotional stimuli
- Sociability modifies dogs’ sensitivity to biological motion of different social relevance
- Hearing without listening: Attending to a quiet audiobook.
- Effect of model race and viewing perspective on body attractiveness and body size assessment in young Caucasian women: an eye-tracking study
- Human facial expression affects a dog’s response to conflicting directional gestural cues
- Viewing heterospecific facial expressions: an eye-tracking study of human and monkey viewers
- Image Valence Modulates the Processing of Low-Resolution Affective Natural Scenes
- Facial Expression Ambiguity and Face Image Quality Affect Differently on Expression Interpretation Bias
- Dogs can infer implicit information from human emotional expressions
- ERP correlates of the interaction between attention and spatiotemporal context regularity in vision
- Differential gaze behavior towards sexually preferred and non-preferred human figures
- Left gaze bias in humans, rhesus monkeys and domestic dogs
- Effects on orientation perception of manipulating the spatiotemporal prior probability of stimuli
- Exploitation of natural geometrical regularities facilitates target detection
- Role of lateral and feedback connections in primary visual cortex in the processing of spatiotemporal regularity?
- Automatic blush detection in “concealed information” test using visual stimuli
- Size-invariant facial expression categorization and associated gaze allocation within social interaction space
- Initial fixation placement in face images is driven by top-down guidance
- Acetylcholine dynamically controls spatial integration in marmoset primary visual cortex
- Holistic gaze strategy to categorize facial expression of varying intensities
- Discrimination of moving gratings and plaids and coherence in dot displays without primary visual cortex
- Primary visual cortex neurons that contribute to resolve the aperture problem
- Reading faces: differential lateral gaze bias in processing canine and human facial expressions in dogs and 4-year-old children
- Event-related potential correlates of spatiotemporal regularities in vision
- Pattern motion is present in V1 of awake but not anaesthetized macaque monkeys
- Consistent left gaze bias in processing different facial cues
- I know you are beautiful even without looking at you: detection of facial beauty in peripheral vision
- Human spontaneous gaze patterns in viewing of faces of different species
- ERP evidence for human early visual sensitivity to co-linearity compared to co-circularity
- Centre-surround interactions in response to natural scene stimulation in the primary visual cortex
- How do monkeys view faces? – A study of eye movements
- Involuntary eye movements in response to first- and second-order motion
- Residual motion discrimination using colour information without primary visual cortex
- Eye position-dependent activation of neurons in striate cortex of macaque
- Measurements of geometric illusions, illusory contours and stereo-depth at luminance and colour contrast
- Short-latency ocular following of motion by monkeys during a fixation task
- Spatio-temporal prediction and inference by V1 neurons
- Grating and plaid chrominance motion influences the suppressed ocular following response
- Stages in motion processing revealed by the ocular following response
- Development of a head-mounted, eye-tracking system for dogs
- Sexual cognition guides viewing strategies to human figures
- Discrimination of human and dog faces and inversion responses in domestic dogs (Canis familiaris)
- Longer fixation duration while viewing face images
- Cortical evoked potentials due to motion contrast in the blind hemifield
- Cholinergic modulation of response properties and orientation tuning of neurons in primary visual cortex of anaesthetized Marmoset monkeys
- Social interactions through the eyes of macaques and humans