

  • Non-Exponential 1H and 2H NMR Relaxation and Self-Diffusion in Asphaltene-Maltene Solutions,
  • The deuteron NMR Hahn echo decay in polyethylene oxide melts,
  • On the theory of the spin I=1/2 double quantum NMR: effects of spins spatial displacements between RF pulses.
  • On the theory of the spin I = 1/2 double quantum NMR: Effects of spins spatial displacements between RF pulses
  • Non-exponential 1H and 2H NMR relaxation and self-diffusion in asphaltene-maltene solutions
  • Spin Relaxation and Dynamics of Ring Poly(ethylene oxide) in Melts
  • Effects of Salt Precipitation in the Topmost Soil Layer Investigated by NMR

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Siegfried Stapf

Siegfried Stapf

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