- William Anderson, Kristin Hopper and Abby Robinson, eds. Landscape Archaeology in Southern Caucasia: Finding Common Ground in Diverse Environments. Proceedings of the Workshop held at 10th ICAANE in Vienna, April 2016 (Oriental and European Archaeology 8. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, 2017, 167pp., 64 b/w and colour figs, 2 tables, hbk, ISBN 978-3-7001-8204-7)
- Fitful Histories and Unruly Publics
- 13 Orientalism in Russia: The Caucasus, Historical Narrative and the Formation of a National Identity
- From Project to Customized Service: Research Support at the University of Groningen Library
- Reimagining the Recipe for Research & Innovation: The Secret Sauce of Social Science
- Fitful Histories and Unruly Publics
- Mega-fortresses in the South Caucasus: new data from southern Georgia
- Detection of metadata manipulations